My words hurt. I've been told many, many times. I know use them to describe heaven, but I know just as well to manipulate uncover the Inferno. I use it. Besides, the words should be used to this: a tool for conversation, will make himself understood, darts of anger, flakes of love. And how I want to use, when I want. The handpiece, turnaround, plasma, choose and meditate. No words of mine is never the case. It is always the result of a choice, a thought, the flicker of emotion of the moment. And so are often an advantage because the fine speeches bewitch, captivate, seduce, make them feel important, special, sometimes even embarrassed. But when I get so many troubles Do not pull out the universal truth, for goodness sake. Just my truth, my thoughts. Being skilled in using the language and groped while being terribly honest two things are not easy to manage. Because I can also choose the best words in the world, those who seem (apparently, as a mirror for allodole probabilmente) meno taglienti, ma il senso rimane. Eppure, mi chiedo, se le mie parole riescono ad avere così peso, se in un senso o nell’altro sono capaci di toccare certe corde, allora non è forse anche un po’colpa di chi le ascolta? Non è forse vero che se gran parte di ciò che dicessi fosse del tutto sbagliato, insensato o fuori luogo, chi mi sta di fronte non si sentirebbe né così speciale né così deluso? Qualche tempo fa qualcuno mi disse che la gente non vuole vederla la verità, che qualche volta preferisce far finta che non esista ed è per questo che il mio mostrarla ferisce enormemente. Disse letteralmente:”Non tutti sono pronti ad accettarla la verità”. Aveva ragione. But no truth falls from the sky. So I can forget to talk about it, but if you ask me I can not remain silent. Truth and freedom are not synonymous. And no honest relationship can arise between two people who are behind the desire not to hurt. One must strive to be objective and frank with themselves Hardly anyone knowingly hurt someone is stupid and he thinks he can trust only those who do not ever contradict. Or maybe no, not stupid at all. Surely, however, is not a friend.