Monday, June 30, 2008

Make Your Own Wersler


flags and banners in the center, and tomorrow evening event "to defend Tar suspension of the sentence "

A rally to defend the decision of the TAR that has suspended the implementation of the new U.S. base in Vicenza. The initiative was organized by activists for tomorrow night "No Dal Molin", "also to demonstrate the determination of the motion to continue the battle against the militarization of the city." The event will be held in conjunction with the shift of the airport from military to civilian-owned property. The appointment is at 20.30 at the Presidio permanent Rettorgole. The first procession will leave at 20 from Poleggi and Lobia to reach the tents of Ponte Marchese, where it will kick off the event. A truck-stage open The procession will conclude with a candlelight vigil outside the airport by Molin, where he will perform a musical group. "An event to reiterate the desire to defend the suspension against all those who would go around breaking the law - no point to the base - To say that the gates of the airport should remain closed to the media of co-operatives that have won the bid irregular, not a blade of grass in the park north of the city to be touched. " The torchlight procession will end at the gates of the airport Dal Molin, in Ferrarin avenue, where he will perform the band Osteria Popolare Berica.
Yesterday afternoon, while several dozen members at the front challenging the construction of the base U.S. military on the ground of the Dal Molin gathered in Post Office Square with banners and flags. It was the prologue of the event scheduled for tomorrow night, however, took place without problems.

Birthday Songs In Arabic

Constituent Assembly of the Association's another story

Dear, dear

in view of the constituent assembly of the association another story, whom we remember will be held July 13 pv in Palermo from 10.30 to 18.30 in the former cinema Edison (Albergheria district), we send you herewith the proposed Charter for Regional History Association Another copy of the policy document Sicily and enriched by the contributions received until now.

To submit proposals, comments, contributions send a message to staff another story

read Regional Charter

read the policy document

Cleaning Car Headliner

The fingerprints of Roma children

of Francesco Merlo

The fingerprints of Roma children and the silence of ChiesaA Maroni we suggest you take the fingerprints of the hands (and feet) Chinese infants in Milan, which are already known, all thieves diidentità. In addition, for consistency, could give the order to measure the children's limbs lalunghezza Corleone growing up (so to speak) conil 'criminal profiling' Toto u Curtu.

It is useless to explain to a pietosouomo talented as the Minister of the Interior that children dell'agronocerino sarnese and the Sele plain should be - to protect them, badatebene! - Withdrawn from parental control and handed over to Dia or, alternatively, the writer Roberto Saviano.

and against bullying in schools cisarebbe what better than to take fingerprints at the time of enrollment, as well as parents who are always a bit 'accomplices? Here, we prefer to show the grotesque side of this proposal perchésappiamo know that Roberto Maroni, who consider themselves smart, works perprovocare our good feelings, and therefore we do not want to fall into the trap and let us steal suarozza thoughts. I mean to us is the child facileassimilare the weak, the exploited, or any other adult vittimedell'umanità.

But the indignation against the Northern League are beneattrezzati. So the fear of reproaching meet people, agitanoil value of security, and excite us because they want to split their racism in rispostaal we sanctify the Roma negassimo qualsiasirapporto between camps and crime, including immigration and crime. But it is not in defense dell'accattonaggio or to enhance the exotic and elusive presuntabellezza the gypsy Esmeralda, which protects ilpovero Hunchback of Notre Dame, is not short of rhetoric in the name rovesciatadei miserable that we say to that Maroni to fingerprint Roma abimbi racist is a sign of disrespect, which is not surprising because it does the former, not the last and unfortunately not even the worst.

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The point is that, along with Berlusconi's obsession for Justice, Inquest government there is also the League's obsession with security.

But what the problem is something else the obsession. Well, unable to resolve ilproblema that haunts him, Maroni wants to react, we negassimoil problem. Instead we will remember that already its predecessor, the miteGiuliano Amato had indicated that in all criminal stacrescendo community, even in Italy, the use of horrible children.

There are, forexample, the baby gang. And the book Gomorrah tells kids utilizzatinelle Kin. And in Calabria omicidicompiuti by increasing the killer kids only paid a few hundred euro. But chefacciamo, Minister Maroni, entered all the children in Calabria? Why does not deserve our good feelings, the Minister Maroni. Because it does it is true that in Italy there is a debate between rigor dick (them) elassisti softened (us).

Maroni has nothing to do with the dibattitoeuropeo, difficult and important, including the rigor and acceptance. In most civilized countries of Europe, security, reliability and responsabilitànon values \u200b\u200bare right.

Socialists French and English, isocialdemocratici Germans, the British Labour Party and also add isindaci Italian center-left have handled the hardness argomentodell'immigrazione irregular and of crime. But without sparatecomiziali through no fault of racist theater, without the paradoxes, oxymorons miseries cultural elements that leaguers - how can we forget? - Chechiamavano are immigrants of color bingo bongo, who spoke of faces and heads diporco scornificate which called on the Navy "to shoot sullecarrette of illegal immigrants, and denounce Europe" in the hands of the Masons, agliebrei, Muslims and the mafias of immigrants. "

dovremmostupirci Why, then, that arrived at the government wants to fingerprint the bambinirom? For years, every election in the Po Valley, the League put up posters "hands off our kids" just appropriating the vecchiopregiudizio racist people on the mysterious thieves babies, shaking laleggenda court of miracles.

are known throughout Central Europe, cheregistrava the highest rate of gypsy population, for three secolidecreti and laws were enacted to "liberate" the children of gypsies Dailor natural parents until the Nazi Final Solution and dunqueall ' Internment of adults and babies.

It dicinquecentomila most were exterminated. Well, today in the revival of the old injury inpiù with the certainty that Roma children are not children, but complicated, and therefore solocriminali miniature the most dangerous and elusive, there Lavecchia idea that all children are raised to inherit the world "lascienza" Dad. And so, crime is a fate that the child romritrova at the bottom of himself as a rock.

All right that the baby Jesus was not Roma, but the church in Italy that his strength much more bottom image on that sweet little boy who delcrocifisso could at least say that children do not touch.

The Church can (should) afford the good feelings. It was not Jesus who wanted chelasciassero children come to him? The Church, which punishes and excommunication inmateria of sex and science, because it tolerates and accepts the volgarità deileghisti contro i marginali e contro la gente da marciapiedi, contro idisperati dei semafori e dei campi, contro i loro bambini? La Chiesa, che èl'ecclesia dei naufraghi, dei diseredati e dei dannati della Terra, perchénon interviene? Forse perché i bimbi rom non fanno beneficenza come ilterribile boss della Magliana Renato De Pedis che - lo ha raccontatomercoledì Filippo Ceccarelli - è stato sepolto nel più esclusivo cimiterodel Vaticano, "sarcofago di marmo bianco, iscrizioni in oro e zaffiro,l'ovale della foto" e "un attestato di grande benefattore dei poveri..., cheha dato molti contributi per aiutare i giovani, interessandosi inparticolare per la loro formazione cristiana e umana". I bambini rom, nonavendo had the good fortune to be educated by that holy man of De Pedis, were thieves, and all infidels, and Maroni, as De Pedis, sidichiara devout Catholic.

When Berlusconi appointed Interior Maroni avevaaffidato we thought that the order to disorder. The Interior Ministry is acontrollare, just inside, keeping the country united against disruptive tuttele cells, both social (criminals) as policies (subversives). Well, we know that the league is a secessionist subculturapolitica that for more than twenty years of careful, for how can the unity of Paesee to his law. Berlusconi, who thinks getting rid of the work entrusted piùsporco al suo ministro-mastino, ha in realtà ceduto il controllodell'eversione all'eversore da controllare.

E Maroni, che nella Lega è ilpiù pericoloso perché forse è il meno brutto e il meno ridicolo (ha fattopure le scuole), sta usando gli aspetti più odiosi del ministerodell'Interno - carcere, manette, impronte digitali - per sollevare nuvole dipropaganda, per creare effetti placebo alla paura e alle emergenze sociali,in modo da guadagnare ancor più consenso all'eversione.

La Repubblica (27 giugno 2008)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

554 Transaction Failed Spamfighter Imail


wonder why someone can always and donuts with the hole. Yes, I agree, a hole of the round, rounded corners and the shape of imprecise but still a hole. So you are a po'i nerves. Maybe because you're there to weigh the ingredients, and taste to not give up fat, you mix them carefully following the dose, flour and maybe you're gonna burn you put the dough in the oven, but you do it for the cake, to be perfect, good, genuine. So a po'ti get nervous if he gets the same result as those who used ingredients in the case, who has gone to cooking started and returned on time, with tricks and mezzucci so as not to burn the cake. The truth is that all we can and must be wrong. That each is the judge of his life, many of us commit the same mistakes, some more than others, that certain mistakes, however painful and foolish, however, is only and always the people involved. Therefore it is right to stay in a corner and allow everyone to prepare his donut without afford to boycott the flavor, although claims to have used the finest ingredients and all around there are discount cards, although there is anger that the Sweet has not blown. Will still have another taste, will always be a donut different from yours. Everyone deserves to be respected. But respect does not mean accepting or share. The truth, it does not really suffer is the result itself is not that the cake is made with more or less love, the problem is simply in those who decide to eat the donut. But I will still be there, to pick your teeth if you break it, to treat stomach ache, to prepare the digestive system. Do not always succeed with the donut hole. Sometimes yes. But I do not know much ...