Thursday, August 21, 2008

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Tolto alla madre perchè comunista!!!!!!!!!

Talk the sixteen that after the separation of the civil courts have given to the father, "I did the drug test, but for him it was false and went on to say that do drugs"
After removing the mother why the Communist "Daddy wants to make war mom" The
Secretary Prc Ferrero: "serious constitutional violation. Napolitano to intervene" Judge: "No politics. The only reference to the venues frequented by young"

CATANIA - "My father was inspired by my young communist card to support my mother is unable to care for me, because the communists are people who take their children on a bad road. " Breaks the silence and defended her mother, sixteen year old that the courts have given to Catania al padre con un provvedimento che nelle motivazioni cita l'iscrizione del minore al circolo Tienanmen dei Giovani comunisti.

Sulla vicenda fanno sentire la loro voce anche l'ex presidente della Camera Fausto Bertinotti e il leader del Pdci Oliviero Diliberto. Il segretario di Rifondazione, Paolo Ferrero chiede l'intervento del capo dello Stato. Ma il giudice che ha firmato l'ordinanza smentisce tutto: "Nessun riferimento diretto o indiretto alla militanza politica del ragazzo".
Il ragazzo, che stamattina ha tagliato i lunghi capelli, ha rivelato alcuni particolari della sua storia. "Dovrei stare con mio padre, ma dopo un'aggressione che ho subito, ho deciso di andare da mia madre", afferma, and the parent says, "He does nothing but associate the Communists, said in a disparaging tone, always with drugs, s Pinelli, alcohol, in short a life crush, unruly, not to follow, and yet I am comfortable with my group.

Our ideas since I grew up have changed: I attend a high school that left-wing views but he hates the communists. "
When asked if he had ever used drugs, the sixteen year old reveals: "As a result of these continuing allegations my mother took me to a medical center where they were subjected to drug testing. I did the test to prove that I was not drugs. The result in front, my father went on to say that I do drugs and that the test had been falsified. This unfortunately is a fixed point on which he believes to be allowed to rest in his own way to win this war. "

The sixteen per hour is very busy," Now I'm studying - he says - because I have to retrieve the debits. So far I've been quite amused by the sea in the chinks of time I spent outside of this ugly story. "
The news, of course, aroused consternation and concern among members of the Communist left." I ask the President of the Republic to take immediate action, "said Paolo Ferrero. According to the National Secretary of the PRC, the one that occurred in Catania is a "Serious constitutional violation." According to Ferrero, what has been done by social services of the Sicilian town "is very serious and is evidence of prejudice are incompatible with the performance of a public service." And again: "That the first Civil Chamber of the Court of Catania grounds a sentence with the same arguments is not only serious, but unacceptable in a state of law." "I decided to send a telegram of solidarity and closeness to the mother of the boy," said former House Speaker Fausto Bertinotti. "The communists just because they are an extremist organization out of Parliament? We want to outlaw?" Adds the secretary of the PDCI, Oliviero Diliberto. "Being part of a communist party - He says - why is it unseemly for a guy to blame both the mother and not let him have custody of the child? ".
Diliberto asked the Minister of Youth and Giorgia Meloni Maurizio Sacconi social policies that" if you can believe be possible for a state social service unions on political ideas of a young and make them the subject of evaluation. "
He is trying to tone down the controversy lawyer Mario Giarrusso, office of the mother:" We do not understand the reasons prompted the court to make this decision - the lawyer says - The boy did not take drugs, did not commit crimes. The thing that struck us is that is mentioned as part of a group extremist. "In our opinion - he concludes - a case has been mounted on anything." "In the measure there is no direct reference to the indirect political militancy of the boy or venues due to political movements," replied Massimo Esher, the court the First Civil Chamber of the Court of Catania, who has signed the order for custody to the father of sixteen. The court added that "the only reference in the decision about attending the boy on venues where youth is widespread use Alcohol and psychotropic drugs. But these do not fall apart.
Esher track also says not to remember the card and that this communist anyway "not was taken into account. E 'can - says the judge - that his father has produced a photocopy of a passport belonging to a party but for us this is completely irrelevant. "(August 20, 2008)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Maybelline Watershinelipstick Burnt Shimmer


Company away Dante De Angelis, historic leader of the drivers and RlsFs:
"unfounded and specious news has spread, getting an alarm unjustified"

denounced Eurostar "broken" is fired from Trenitalia
Workers on a war footing. The man had already been sent away and then reinstated
Dante De Angelis, " ever accused anyone on that episode, but the Security is an open question "

In mid-August they did get off the train and fired.
It was permissible, as a safety representative, to comment on the incident to a Eurostar
that July 14 was broken in two pieces while being transferred from the workshop to the central station in Milan.



Sunday, August 17, 2008

Foods That Help Migraines

Campagna di protesta per la libertà in Iran

LabourStart Monday, August 18, 2008 - News, Year II, No. 47Iran: union activists whipped and sentenced to death May Day celebrations take place in almost equal in the world.

In Italy, in addition to the parades that wind through the streets of cities, the highlight is the concert held in Rome from the trade union confederations.

For a whole afternoon and part of the night, tens of thousands to celebrate Labor Day in an appropriate way, With singing and dancing. In Iran, on the contrary, it is forbidden to have fun.

Who participates in the May Day march is in jeopardy, because it could be stopped. Two women, Sousan Razani and Shiva Kheirabadi, suffered just this fate.

But not enough. The judges have now sentenced to receive 15 lashes and four months to serve burden. Theirs is not an isolated case.

part of a violent crackdown against those who protect the rights of workers with a Kurdish teacher, Farzad Kamangar was sentenced to death.

Three men (Abdullah Khani, Seyed Hosseini, and Khaled Hosseini Qaleb) will be hit with a total of 120 lashes and will then spend few months in jail.

Afshin Shams has been detained pending trial, while Mansour Osanloo, leader of the bus drivers of Tehran, is in jail for over a year.

's enough, you must tell the ayatollah that can not do what they want.

Iran can not slide on the night. All rights are internationally recognized workers and, more generally, human beings must be respected.

Always. Even in the Islamic Republic of Iran. A new online protest campaign was launched.

this page in Italian you can immediately send your message:

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Grazie per il vostro sostegno, Eric Lee e Michele Nigra Michele Nigra, corrispondente e traduttore di LabourStart.

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Il posto della Rete dove i sindacalisti iniziano la loro giornata.