MIUR Hon Minister Maria Stella Gelmini
MIUR Hon Secretary Joseph PIZZA
Palazzo Chigi - Piazza Colonna, 370 00187 ROMA
Directorate General for the National System of Education and school autonomy
ca CEO Dr. Mario Giacomo Dutto
Office Manager II Dr. Antonio Lobello
Viale Trastevere, 76 / A 00153 ROMA
President COMMISSION VII Chamber of Deputies
Hon Dr Valentina Aprea
Montecitorio Palace - Piazza di Montecitorio, 1
00100 ROME
USR Lombardy
Director-General Dr. Anna Maria DOMINICI
Via Ripamonti, 89 20141 MILANO
Dear Minister
Having read the law 169/08, we would like to highlight them, as parents and teachers in schools Rozzano, the deep concern for the consequences arising from decisions taken in relation to educational reform. In schools that
's get to know the school population has increased considerably in a few years.
We therefore had first hand all the hardships resulting from the need to combine resources insufficient demand for school time for families, quality of teaching.
We are concerned, in Specifically, the idea that an institution strategically for the future of the country as the Public School, will be remodeled in only a few weeks starting on the grounds of a financial nature, without any public debate or study with the world of school (in France For example, the debate on school reform has involved two million people).
Just to mention the main impacts of measures under consideration:
- With the single teacher is likely to erase twenty years of experience of team teaching, as certified to the OECD, has brought our school and primary at the top of international rankings
- With 24 hours settimanali, scuole dell’infanzia e scuola primaria copriranno a malapena il mattino. In un territorio come il nostro dove la domanda delle famiglie è orientata quasi esclusivamente sul tempo pieno chi garantirà la copertura pomeridiana ? Non sarà più scuola ma dopo-scuola ? Non sarà più in carico allo Stato ma affidato agli enti locali e cooperative ? Non sarà più gratuito ma graverà sul bilancio delle famiglie ?
- Con un unico docente sarà praticamente impossibile organizzare attività di compresenza per gestire piccoli gruppi, lavorare sul potenziamento, il recupero e l’integrazione. Né organizzare attività esterne, visite, gite che, per ovvie ragioni di sicurezza, richiedono che The class is conducted by a sole teacher
- The removal of 11,200 specialists in elementary English is in contradiction with the need expressed repeatedly to enhance the learning of foreign languages.
- The cut of 87,400 teachers in chairs of three years, in addition to serious consequences for thousands of temporary workers who until now have ensured the operation of schools, will clear the de facto right to guarantee and increase the full-time, never mentioned to another 'interior of the new law.
- The cut of 44,500 jobs administrative staff is likely to paralyze schools already in great difficulty to manage, understaffed, auxiliary functions in continuous expansion.
All in classes, always with the goal of cost savings, will bump up the maximum number of pupils in kindergarten to 29 and 30 in the other educational levels.
The school's only teacher was a school fell in a very different context from today's. The school now and wants to deal with the integration of foreign students and children with disabilities. With bullying and social disadvantage. By teaching English, music, computer science, physical education, road environment. With a domestic demand that can not disregard the offer of full-time on kindergarten and elementary. With our desire to ensure a quality school for all.
This can be done in a different and better than the present.
It is unlikely you can do with fewer hours, fewer staff, fewer resources and more students per class.
Rozzano, December 2008 Parents and teachers signed
MIUR Hon Secretary Joseph PIZZA
Palazzo Chigi - Piazza Colonna, 370 00187 ROMA
Directorate General for the National System of Education and school autonomy
ca CEO Dr. Mario Giacomo Dutto
Office Manager II Dr. Antonio Lobello
Viale Trastevere, 76 / A 00153 ROMA
President COMMISSION VII Chamber of Deputies
Hon Dr Valentina Aprea
Montecitorio Palace - Piazza di Montecitorio, 1
00100 ROME
USR Lombardy
Director-General Dr. Anna Maria DOMINICI
Via Ripamonti, 89 20141 MILANO
Dear Minister
Having read the law 169/08, we would like to highlight them, as parents and teachers in schools Rozzano, the deep concern for the consequences arising from decisions taken in relation to educational reform. In schools that
's get to know the school population has increased considerably in a few years.
We therefore had first hand all the hardships resulting from the need to combine resources insufficient demand for school time for families, quality of teaching.
We are concerned, in Specifically, the idea that an institution strategically for the future of the country as the Public School, will be remodeled in only a few weeks starting on the grounds of a financial nature, without any public debate or study with the world of school (in France For example, the debate on school reform has involved two million people).
Just to mention the main impacts of measures under consideration:
- With the single teacher is likely to erase twenty years of experience of team teaching, as certified to the OECD, has brought our school and primary at the top of international rankings
- With 24 hours settimanali, scuole dell’infanzia e scuola primaria copriranno a malapena il mattino. In un territorio come il nostro dove la domanda delle famiglie è orientata quasi esclusivamente sul tempo pieno chi garantirà la copertura pomeridiana ? Non sarà più scuola ma dopo-scuola ? Non sarà più in carico allo Stato ma affidato agli enti locali e cooperative ? Non sarà più gratuito ma graverà sul bilancio delle famiglie ?
- Con un unico docente sarà praticamente impossibile organizzare attività di compresenza per gestire piccoli gruppi, lavorare sul potenziamento, il recupero e l’integrazione. Né organizzare attività esterne, visite, gite che, per ovvie ragioni di sicurezza, richiedono che The class is conducted by a sole teacher
- The removal of 11,200 specialists in elementary English is in contradiction with the need expressed repeatedly to enhance the learning of foreign languages.
- The cut of 87,400 teachers in chairs of three years, in addition to serious consequences for thousands of temporary workers who until now have ensured the operation of schools, will clear the de facto right to guarantee and increase the full-time, never mentioned to another 'interior of the new law.
- The cut of 44,500 jobs administrative staff is likely to paralyze schools already in great difficulty to manage, understaffed, auxiliary functions in continuous expansion.
All in classes, always with the goal of cost savings, will bump up the maximum number of pupils in kindergarten to 29 and 30 in the other educational levels.
The school's only teacher was a school fell in a very different context from today's. The school now and wants to deal with the integration of foreign students and children with disabilities. With bullying and social disadvantage. By teaching English, music, computer science, physical education, road environment. With a domestic demand that can not disregard the offer of full-time on kindergarten and elementary. With our desire to ensure a quality school for all.
This can be done in a different and better than the present.
It is unlikely you can do with fewer hours, fewer staff, fewer resources and more students per class.
Rozzano, December 2008 Parents and teachers signed