Thursday, November 5, 2009

Port Royale 2


We are outraged by the Court in Strasbourg, which prohibits the presence of crucifixes in schools. This decision offends the tradition, history and the Italian identity. Regret that the sentence is to shock it was Europe, which should rather have to be at the Supervisor of the traditions of each country, to deny our freedom. What kind of Europe is this? It is certainly not denying the identity or history of an entire people that guarantees the rights of minorities. We are facing a secular drift that has nothing to do with religious freedom. Italy is a country that is based on and recognizes the values \u200b\u200bof Christianity. And it is a symbol of the crucifix. Claim its presence in schools as in all places institutions.

Luca Sbarra
(Italy Protagonist)

Francesco Grillo
(Interactions Research Center)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Usaneko ~mimikko Maid No Ongaeshi~

August, my life do not know you

The only country where one year for a period of 11 months. There's nothing to do, crisis or no crisis, the Italian is on holiday. It does not matter if the sea, mountains, village or town of the province, what matters is to close up shop and go away. Via stuck in traffic, street fighting for a place in the sun. Via. Go on. In August, there is no commitment that takes, to hell with the budgets to make ends meet and problems to solve. We think in September. Time stands still. You close the life for holiday. Or maybe, who knows, life is precisely that of the sea and sunset hours at the table with friends.
Happy holidays to all. The weather is favorable and the heady experience!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Short Of Breath More Condition_symptoms

Every so often there is a new departure. Even when, in fact, are divided by a po'c'è still and always a precise signal, the element of change. The mine will be tomorrow when I shall see me in the face those who have humiliated and exploited. My fault, I have done to humiliate and exploit. But I could not miss the finale, this show introduced to most as improvised and yet already well established. The poster announces that the players will be publicly samples from acclaimed directors. Balle! Who will say it is already decided Round Table, who will hand it was established even before writing the screenplay. I have not participated in the charade not to give weapons and in order not crearmene and then, to be honest, I've never been able to play ... The nice thing is that some representations, if you do not like, you can ask the refund of the ticket price . Some things do not go on prescription and, in due course, I will come to hold to account. For some filmmakers, but also for the players, those who boasted honesty and professionalism. La Scala will not act, maybe I will in a seedy provincial theater. But what satisfaction will myself earned my place in the world without any help (refused) and deception (including those rejected); you can watch the audience and deserve applause. I. Vol.?

Monday, March 2, 2009

I-catcher Console - Web Moniter

95% chose the 30 hours but the funds are not sufficient

of Intravaia, The Republic of March 2, 2009
Nine out of 10 families will not have the required 30 hours per week unless the government waives the cuts planned by the Financial

Italian families sparigliano cards to Gelmini. Or the government to satisfy the demands of mothers and fathers of elementary school, will be without cost to the economies provided by the Finance or the families may not be granted.

Figures released yesterday by the Ministry of Education on the choices that relate to the primary school (the former elementary school) hide the truth: nine out of 10 families will not have the 30 hours required at registration. Unless the government does not alter the criteria on the training of staff of the school staff already agreed with the Ministry of Economy. In short, a mess.

Yesterday, Italian families have soundly rejected the model-Gelmini for the elementary school. 24 to 27 hours in first grade, consider the model for the future, they got only 10 percent of the vote. The vast majority chose the current model at 30 hours (56 percent) or the full time of 40 hours (34 percent). But how many will be satisfied in September? Definitely a few, as the ministry has already written in black and white that the workforce for the first classes will be calculated based on 27 hours per week.

Consequently, the classes to 30 hours that you can turn depend on the savings achieved through training classes to 24 hours. The preliminary estimate made by the Republic, over 20 000 first class it will operate 24 hours a week with just 600 and the same number it should be activated in 30 hours. But 30 hours of the request by parents of children who are entering primary school is far superior.

In essence, the data in strict Viale Trastevere, up almost 294 000 families have applied for a school time of 30 hours per week may be less than settle 16 000. What will the 278 000 families who will appioppare a different time than required?

Nor is it said that can be catered for those who have chosen 24 to 27 hours. The reason is plain. In Italy there are 16 000 primary school complexes and were about 16 000 families who have opted for 24 hours on average a child whole. While families that have requested 27 hours are 36 000: slightly more than 2 children, on balance, for each complex.

But the rules for the training classes are mandatory at least 10 children per class. Even those who have given credit to September will find themselves in difficulty is likely to change their proposed complex or time to settle for another model. Unless, for please moms and dads, the executive decides to widen the purse strings.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I-catcher Console-web Moniter

The National Council of Education rejects Gelmini

CNPI The highly critical of the decision to fund underlying the regulation because it is inconsistent with the rights of the autonomous schools, injured on the principles governing the educational autonomy, organizational, research, experimentation and development as provided by Presidential Decree 275/99.

The CNPI observes the Rules, the prospect of a wide range of school time, could fuel expectations that families in the absence of appropriate and related resources, can hardly be satisfied putting the school in the difficult position of having to reorient and reorganize the choices offered.

The CNPI considers, finally, that the issues raised up a training framework that: •

undermines the effectiveness of training in kindergarten and the first cycle of education;

affects the dignity of the school public

not offer equal opportunity and choice throughout the country.

This is the text of the opinion.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Driver Winxp Modem Vemmax


Without question the sovereignty of Brazil, we ask that the extradition is granted to the terrorist Cesare Battisti, must eventually return to Italy to serve out his sentence.

Signature yourself at our call / estradizionebattisti

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I-catcher Console - Web Monitor Pool

After the last meeting of the Committee ...

Friday, January 23 we took the Committee's activities (there were about twenty) after abolishing the infamous copresences for all classes (not just the first !) next year (someone has to explain what improvement in the quality of school is this ...).
The feeling is that the vast majority of parents, not just those who have children who will go first next year, does not know anything about what's going on.
must then return to give information and raising awareness. Also because the Ministry of Education already circulating a leaflet that mystifies and tends to pull the wool over the eyes of the parent.
will then be made specific meetings, promoted by school leaders, in individual schools in relation to entries made until February 28. The first and third circle will make these meetings Saturday, February 7 (the exact time will be announced in the circular to be distributed).
The leaders have also tried to make simulations in the first circle, for example, you lose 18 teaching posts in the face of an increase in first class for next year. How can you fit all without creating chaos (perhaps That's what they want)?
remain undiscovered second Circle Institute Comprehensive Monte Amiata, that you do not have your information and we fear that really do not know to what you are going.
is also thought to propose, in this case for everyone, a kind of RE-ENTRY TO SCHOOL FULL-TIME WITH THE COMPRENSENZE, a sort of petition, with explanatory text, to be signed by parents as an expression of a clear determination they want their child to a school of quality made of a full-time and 40 hours with copresences.
why we are committed to recover all examples and other similar experiences like that of Retescuole Subscription to good school.
Passed the urgency of the inscriptions are thought to work at a public meeting the city to try to talk about a model of school quality in a situation which is gradually destroying all that had been built in recent years.
The next meeting of the Committee is Friday, February 13 at 21.00 in Via carnations at the Community Centre.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bladder Stones More Condition_symptoms

is the circular of the prank! Open letter to Minister

Hello all / i,
was released last Thursday on the circular inscriptions.
I invite you to read it carefully.
It 's a nice punch.
Tutte le nostre preoccupazioni vengono confermate.

Per dirvene una su tutte: scompaiono le compresenze dall'anno prossimo

anche nelle classi successive alla prima.

Questo per dirvi che i motivi di preoccupazione su questa riforma,

rimangono e anzi aumentano, così come la necessità di mantenere alta la

tensione e l'attenzione, richiamando a raccolta i genitori che pensano,

dopo quello sciagurato incontro sindacati-Gelmini dei primi di dicembre e

il tam-tam mediatico che è seguito, che non cambierà nulla!

Dobbiamo capire insieme alle dirigenti scolastiche come garantire per i

nostri ragazzi la scuola di qualità!

Per questo vi invito caldamente a partecipare alla prossima riunione del 23

gennaio alle ore 21 in via Garofani 21.

Questo il testo della circolare.