After the last meeting of the Committee ... Friday, January 23 we took the Committee's activities (there were about twenty) after abolishing the infamous copresences for all classes (not just the first !) next year (someone has to explain what improvement in the quality of school is this ...).
The feeling is that the vast majority of parents, not just those who have children who will go first next year, does not know anything about what's going on.
must then return to give information and raising awareness. Also because the Ministry of Education already circulating a leaflet that mystifies and tends to pull the wool over the eyes of the parent.
will then be made specific meetings, promoted by school leaders, in individual schools in relation to entries made until February 28. The first and third circle will make these meetings Saturday, February 7 (the exact time will be announced in the circular to be distributed).
The leaders have also tried to make simulations in the first circle, for example, you lose 18 teaching posts in the face of an increase in first class for next year. How can you fit all without creating chaos (perhaps That's what they want)?
remain undiscovered second Circle Institute Comprehensive Monte Amiata, that you do not have your information and we fear that really do not know to what you are going.
is also thought to propose, in this case for everyone, a kind of RE-ENTRY TO SCHOOL FULL-TIME WITH THE COMPRENSENZE, a sort of petition, with explanatory text, to be signed by parents as an expression of a clear determination they want their child to a school of quality made of a full-time and 40 hours with copresences.
why we are committed to recover all examples and other similar experiences like that of Retescuole Subscription to good school.
Passed the urgency of the inscriptions are thought to work at a public meeting the city to try to talk about a model of school quality in a situation which is gradually destroying all that had been built in recent years.
The next meeting of the Committee is Friday, February 13 at 21.00 in Via carnations at the Community Centre.