Saturday, January 26, 2008

Limes Disease Horse Symptoms

NO TO A Maiani CNR!

"Chiediamo il ritiro formale della nomina del Prof. Luciano Maiani (foto in alto) da Presidente del Cnr (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche). Non vediamo come chi si schiera contro la libertà di espressione, come il Prof. Maiani che è tra i 67 docenti che aveva signed the document against the presence of Pope Benedict XVI at the inauguration of the academic year at La Sapienza University of Rome, to fill a position of such delicacy. We trust therefore in an emergency repentance ".

Maurizio Gasparri (Bureau AN)
Frank Grillo (President Interaction Research Center)
Tiberius Brunetti (President of the Association Freely)
Christian Luciani (Italy Association Protagonist)

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Psychobiology Of Gene Expression Warez

vs. Hon. Gasparri and Prof. Cini (Radio Città Futura, January 21, 2008)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Yellow Skin More Condition_symptoms

Request resignation Mussi, Guarini, and petitioners appeal against Pope

Rome, the Italian Ministry of University
Mr Fabio Mussi

To the Rector of La Sapienza University Prof. Renato Guarini

professors signed the appeal against the visit of Benedict XVI at La Sapienza University


the recent controversy about the presence of Pope Benedict XVI inauguration of the academic year at La Sapienza University of Rome give an idea of \u200b\u200bhow ideological barriers make it difficult to remain a necessary dialogue between science and faith. The manifesto in which 67 teachers from the University La Sapienza reveal its firm opposition to the Pope's visit, shows how sadly a significant part of the cultural rebels in comparison with those who think unlike themselves. Those who rebel against the Pope do nothing but put into practice an attitude illiberal and obscurantist. But it should not just be the academia to push for a more constructive dialogue between knowledge? The dialogue between reason and faith is necessary, and no need to camp behind ideological prejudices that only serve to fuel resurgence sessantottino ... forty years later.
the incomprehensible attitude of the 67 teachers, which should, inter alia, promote the development of sound critical awareness by students, is aggravated by the fact that their appeal is based on falsehood: misrepresenting the reality is in fact attributed to 'then Cardinal Ratzinger una riabilitazione del processo a Galileo Galilei. La verità è un’altra: Ratzinger, intervenendo qualche anno fa ad un convegno, espose la propria posizione favorevole a Galilei e citò il pensiero di un sostenitore del processo con il quale mai Ratzinger ha dichiarato di trovarsi d’accordo.
Il vergognoso epilogo della vicenda, che ha costretto Benedetto XVI a rinunciare alla visita all’Università La Sapienza, renderebbe necessarie le Vostre immediate ed irrevocabili dimissioni dagli incarichi ricoperti in quanto non siete stati in grado di garantire il principio del pluralismo delle idee.
Chiudiamo ricordando una massima di Voltaire che dovrebbe farvi riflettere: “Non condivido quello che tu dici, ma darei la vita affinchè tu possa dirlo”.

Francesco Grillo (Presidente Centro Studi InterAzioni)
Tiberio Brunetti (Presidente Associazione Liberamente)
Cristiana Luciani (Associazione Italia Protagonista) - -

Hanno già aderito all'iniziativa:
Maurizio Gasparri (Deputato AN)
Marco Airaghi (Deputato AN)
Domenico Benedetti Valentini (Deputato AN)
Nicola Bono (Deputato AN)
Alessio Butti (Senatore AN)
Edmondo Cirielli (Deputato AN)
Paola Frassinetti (Deputato AN)
Tommaso Foti (MP AN)
Giorgio Holzmann (MP AN)
Ugo Lisi (MP AN)
Giuseppe Menardi (Senator AN)
Roberto Menia (AN MP)
Caramel Porcu (MP AN)
Enzo Raisi (MP AN)
Stefano Saglia ( Deputy AN)
Achille Totaro (Senator AN)
Giuseppe Scopelliti (Mayor Reggio Calabria)
Michele Traversa (Catanzaro Province President)
Zaffini Franco (Parent An Umbria Region)
Laffranco Peter (Councillor Umbria Region)
Raffaele Stancanelli (Vice-President Regional Assembly Siciliana)
Sergio Silvestris (Puglia Regional Councillor)
Agostino Ghiglia (Regional Adviser Piedmont)
Guido Castelli (Regional Council Marche)
Louis Celoria (Lazio Regional Councillor)
Sandro Bonfanti (AN Parent Province of Varese)
Piergiorgio Benvenuti (AN Parent Province of Rome)
Luigi Bobbio (Provincial President AN Napoli)
Gianpiero Cinnamon (Palermo Town Councillor)
Mauro Proietti (Deputy Mayor City Gerano)
Tonucci Thomas (National Directorate Youth Action) John
Albanian (Forza Italy Coordination Isle of Capri)
Henry Pavanetto (Veneto Regional Coordinator Youth Action)
Federico Bruson (National Executive Action University)
Pasquale La Gamba (City Council Vice President Vibo Valentia)
Fabiano Lomonaco (Centro Studi Interactions)
Joseph Campanaro (Calabria Regional Coordinator Youth Action)
Alessandro Sansoni (Provincial President Youth Action Napoli)
Luca Ricciardi (Manager National Youth Action)
Raffaele Manduca (Provincial Executive AN Vibo Valentia)
Antonino De Turris (AN Isle of Capri )
Roberto Ravello (City Councillor AN Torino) Peter
Seat Covers (Scottish National Youth Action)
Luca Cimarelli (Provincial President Ferrara AN)
Mauro Malaguti (City Councilman Ferrara)
Simone Lodi (City Councilman Ferrara)
Damascelli Domenico (Councillor Bitonto)
Mauro Mazza (Town Mayor Bettola)
Sandro Coppola (Councillor Capri)
Franco Albertini (Mayor Pecorara)
Paul Tiribinto (Councillor Youth - Case Olive)
Fabio Gnocchi (Councillor Fiorenzuola d'Arda)
Lorenzo Pisani (Deputy City Marne)
Ugo Chirico (Provincial Executive An Napoli) Antonio
Esposito (Councillor Anacapri)
Fabrizio Sotero (Councillor Trani)
Daniel Romeo (Councillor Reggio Calabria) Alberto
Vernacchio (Councillor Anacapri)
Marco Scotto Lavina (Councillor XII Municipio Roma) Giuseppe
Agliano (Councillor Reggio Calabria)
Augustus Frederick (City Council President Capri)
Galeazzo Bignami (Consigliere Comunale Bologna)
Raffaele Speranzon (Consigliere Comunale Venezia)
Andrea De Simone (Consigliere circoscrizionale Venezia – Mestre)
Andrea Ghezzi (Consigliere Comunale Brescia)
Claudio Girdeni (Assessore Comune S. Gregorio da Sassola)
Giuseppe D’Ippolito (Esecutivo Nazionale Azione Giovani)
Daniele Porena (Consigliere Comunale Perugia)
Michele Barcaiuolo (Consigliere Comunale Modena)
Wanda Ferro (Consigliere Comunale Catanzaro)


Saturday, January 12, 2008

Wedding Cruises Melbourne


Sometimes in life, is also bad for those who remain and watch others go. For those not directly in the middle of no change, but he realizes that those of others, a bit ', they do die. Someone said that you should never go in places where you were happy, probably not, however, should not ever stay there. There is always a pain for those leaving and those who remain. The greeting, abandonment, hope and melancholy. And he wants everything to remain the same and unchanged forever. Who should suffer, but new ideas, new experiences, other goals. Whoever remains in the shadows again, memories, objects, places that will forever evoke presence and absence. If it's worth it you still and always will meet half way and then, you know, time fixes everything. But the sadness of the heart, the fine dust that is deposited on top of each start, well, maybe one, will never go away ...