Saturday, January 12, 2008

Wedding Cruises Melbourne


Sometimes in life, is also bad for those who remain and watch others go. For those not directly in the middle of no change, but he realizes that those of others, a bit ', they do die. Someone said that you should never go in places where you were happy, probably not, however, should not ever stay there. There is always a pain for those leaving and those who remain. The greeting, abandonment, hope and melancholy. And he wants everything to remain the same and unchanged forever. Who should suffer, but new ideas, new experiences, other goals. Whoever remains in the shadows again, memories, objects, places that will forever evoke presence and absence. If it's worth it you still and always will meet half way and then, you know, time fixes everything. But the sadness of the heart, the fine dust that is deposited on top of each start, well, maybe one, will never go away ...


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