Thanks to all Issues for the large participation in the National Competition new authors.
The contract expired on February 15 and we have received your 237 works.
The jury has already been working for some time.
Your stories, your poems, essays, novels are read.
The jury will make its selection.
Our Literary and Artistic Association is going to create three book series: one for poetry "The Peacocks of Cherubini ; a essays for" The Swan of Cherubini and one for fiction "The Swallows of Cherubini .
Only selected papers will be included in these series.
The authors selected proposals will receive one or more publications.
Proposals will be customized and flexible.
Authors selected will be asked to buy some copies of their books.
Only a few writers of short stories or poems will be given the extra opportunity to be included in a project that will see them players for an entire year.
We are thinking of a real showcase editorial may show for a year the authors' work that will be more distinct.
This also represents an opportunity for those who do not want to face a higher cost.
Coming soon come to our proposals only selected authors .
Intendiamo ringraziare pubblicamente perĂ² tutti i partecipanti ed invitarli a seguirci su queste pagine.
A mano a mano si conosceranno i nomi degli autori scelti che hanno aderito alle nostre iniziative.
A tutti voi vanno i nostri complimenti e a tutti auguriamo di continuare a scrivere sempre e a considerare una selezione solo uno stimolo a scrivere e giammai a smettere .
I nostri Concorsi nascono dalla voglia di stimolare gli autori alla scrittura, le selezioni non devono essere vissute come valutazioni; ci piacerebbe poter scegliere all, we would like to offer everyone the opportunity to be included in new projects. We are aware that only some of you may be chosen, but this must not become an occasion to be discouraged, but, in contrast, can and should be an incentive to continue to write and get involved more and more.
Good writing to all / i!
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