My words hurt. I've been told many, many times. I know use them to describe heaven, but I know just as well to manipulate uncover the Inferno. I use it. Besides, the words should be used to this: a tool for conversation, will make himself understood, darts of anger, flakes of love. And how I want to use, when I want. The handpiece, turnaround, plasma, choose and meditate. No words of mine is never the case. It is always the result of a choice, a thought, the flicker of emotion of the moment. And so are often an advantage because the fine speeches bewitch, captivate, seduce, make them feel important, special, sometimes even embarrassed. But when I get so many troubles Do not pull out the universal truth, for goodness sake. Just my truth, my thoughts. Being skilled in using the language and groped while being terribly honest two things are not easy to manage. Because I can also choose the best words in the world, those who seem (apparently, as a mirror for allodole probabilmente) meno taglienti, ma il senso rimane. Eppure, mi chiedo, se le mie parole riescono ad avere così peso, se in un senso o nell’altro sono capaci di toccare certe corde, allora non è forse anche un po’colpa di chi le ascolta? Non è forse vero che se gran parte di ciò che dicessi fosse del tutto sbagliato, insensato o fuori luogo, chi mi sta di fronte non si sentirebbe né così speciale né così deluso? Qualche tempo fa qualcuno mi disse che la gente non vuole vederla la verità, che qualche volta preferisce far finta che non esista ed è per questo che il mio mostrarla ferisce enormemente. Disse letteralmente:”Non tutti sono pronti ad accettarla la verità”. Aveva ragione. But no truth falls from the sky. So I can forget to talk about it, but if you ask me I can not remain silent. Truth and freedom are not synonymous. And no honest relationship can arise between two people who are behind the desire not to hurt. One must strive to be objective and frank with themselves Hardly anyone knowingly hurt someone is stupid and he thinks he can trust only those who do not ever contradict. Or maybe no, not stupid at all. Surely, however, is not a friend.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Leg Muscle Pain More Condition_symptoms
I do not want to die. Not now. Not here. At least I would not be murdered. The risk in this Our beautiful country is in being in the house Ris every two hours to collect new and interesting tests, with their beautiful white overalls for years and years continue to come into your house, announcing the breakthrough. And then the journalists from home, to interview even your goldfish, poor thing, if not responding "definitely hiding something." The headlines in the newspapers, your worst picture, maybe one in costume at sea so much that you hate or one in which I still had red hair. We are the only country where if you kill a family member or friend, you will rush to find an agent. You become famous on the blood of those much-ballyhooed love. Well, I do not want to die in order to contribute to the success of disco nights some pseudo-friend! And then my life ... talk about my sexual tastes of the time I have seen hugging a friend (and from here rivers of ink on my alleged lesbian) or dirty jokes (a perverse, of course!) Question persons profess to be friends for a lifetime (and perhaps the immense pain which led to write a letter to tear the newspaper in their life that I have never even written a greetings card for Christmas!) or cousins \u200b\u200bwho pretend to be intimate and that, to prove it, draw a picture of us on the computer. We will analyze the books I read (and since my reading of the last period would, surely they are affiliated with any gang Mafia), the music I listen to (Vasco, so that definitely do drugs!), SMS on mobile. I put a special on television, would go to research my fellow asylum; resurrect from my past fights or tell silly for that one time I pulled a slap someone. Traded my love for children as the beginning of a latent pedophilia and my attraction to the lights as phallic fixation. I already see them myself psychologists with pastel-colored sweater to devote treated and studies. Read between the lines of this blog things that do not exist, interpret, study, invent. That's why I do not want to die. I'm afraid of death but I fear even more of what it entails. Who's dead can not defend themselves. They can not do Meredith, Samuel, Desiree, everyone seems to know all your life and we never even met. I want to live because it is the only way I have because my life is not tarnished. The living deserve respect. I also dead silent.
Osteo-arthritis More Condition_symptoms
Life should be lived to the contrary.
For a start you should start dying and so
Tricca and draw the trauma is beautiful and exceeded.
Then you wake up in a hospital bed and appreciate the fact that you go
improving day by day.
Then you resign because you are good and the first thing you do is go in
mail to collect retirement and enjoy it to the fullest.
Over time, your strength increases,
your body improves, the wrinkles disappear.
Then start working on the first day and they give you a gold watch.
work forty years until you're so young to be exploited properly
retirement from working life.
Then go to party in party, drink, play with friends,
without any obligations and responsibilities as long as six babies.
When you're small enough, you stick in a place that by now you
know very well ... The last nine months will walk you float serene and peaceful,
heated in a place with room service and much love,
no one will break the embankments.
And, finally, leave this world in an orgasm.
Woody Allen
For a start you should start dying and so
Tricca and draw the trauma is beautiful and exceeded.
Then you wake up in a hospital bed and appreciate the fact that you go
improving day by day.
Then you resign because you are good and the first thing you do is go in
mail to collect retirement and enjoy it to the fullest.
Over time, your strength increases,
your body improves, the wrinkles disappear.
Then start working on the first day and they give you a gold watch.
work forty years until you're so young to be exploited properly
retirement from working life.
Then go to party in party, drink, play with friends,
without any obligations and responsibilities as long as six babies.
When you're small enough, you stick in a place that by now you
know very well ... The last nine months will walk you float serene and peaceful,
heated in a place with room service and much love,
no one will break the embankments.
And, finally, leave this world in an orgasm.
Woody Allen
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Glucose Intolerance More Condition_symptoms
Reset the conspiracy of Cati-day strike Lina
not conspire. I do not have no plan in place for or against someone. It is not only due to lack of time, desire, courage, cunning, memory, and even why, to be honest, I did not, in my life, never found someone so interesting or worth against detestable conspiracy, just do not have means . I lack the tools to conspire. I never sided with or against someone simply because they did others, and to devise plans against someone, it is necessary that at least someone is indigestible or dropping serve to keep him standing over you. Ultimately, I never dared pitfalls not because I am a good person, but because they are objective. Mistake, more than a few times. And many times (not all, I confess) I declare to be wrong, but I want you to be given the opportunity to say what led me astray. Then, of course, what's done is done and I regret and I apologize. But a mistake, I think I fulfill systematically to conspire against someone, well, what offends me greatly. I'm too stupid to plot and too little interested in my way of what happened to the others. And I struggle to relate to me not against those who screams in the face of its truth or my mistakes, but against those who think that I wasted my time to weave some kind of canvas. I regret not being a good writer. I'm sorry not to have enough material to put on this pseudo-thriller. To err is human and to persevere is diabolical, someone said. See the rotten even where there is, perhaps, it is equally ....
Monday, September 24, 2007
Hiv Test More Condition_symptoms
will be a sin to forget po'degli others? Being tired of listening to them, understand them, strive to make them smile? It will be unseemly not stand the idea that give us a responsibility that we never wanted? The thought that we are always ready, willing, happy and wise. I am nothing of all this, at least not today. I do not want to surround myself with people constantly unhappy, unfulfilled, boring, people who will spend only empty spaces of time, silent, melancholy and apathy ruled. I want to laugh, to embrace, to sing. I think I'll end for the removal of persons so. Po'alla will happen again, in an almost natural. I'm tired of being the discharge of their troubles. Here, I wish that many of those who act as iniziassero a fare una sorta di riciclaggio dei pensieri e la smettessero di dedicarmi solo i bidoni di guai e problemi con la stupida pretesa che io li tramuti in qualcosa di sano e costruttivo. Non ho voglia di farlo, non sono sempre l’operatore ecologico delle vie del vostro cuore e della vostra mente. Sciopero. Per oggi tenetevi le vostre infelicità, io ho voglia di aria pulita!
Depression In The Elderly More Condition_symptoms
How Damocles
Forse, qualche volta, è necessario andarsene per essere sicuri di rimanere. Farlo quando il ricordo è fresco e si è certi di mancare così rimarrà immutato per sempre. Andarsene perché non si è più capaci di restare. E non è orgoglio, né dignità, nor will anything else, just resigned to the idea that those who give us so much soul to understand the end, I do not ever understand. Why is wonderful to meet people different from us, but perhaps it is impossible to really understand it. One would like it to be possible, so that what we wish we were given in the form and when we want. And we're so busy waiting for something to give us someone who can not forget also that in the end what we wanted. Maybe it's not better or worse than anyone, is just be something else. And it's positive or negative, of that something else must take care because no one will do it for us. Nobody will if not us of our happiness. It is a unique responsibility, a sword of Damocles hanging over our heads for a lifetime. Always and forever we chase happiness, sometimes confusing it with his shadow. Nobody has the right to hinder us in the search, and we must remember there sometimes. Beyond the needs, requirements. Sometimes even beyond love ....
Blepharitis More Condition_symptoms
Goodbye dignity
I do not watch much television, a little bit to choose, a little bit to lack of desire. But I have seen the funeral of Pavarotti and the bed of the circus that has been created. Inheritance, the wives of pseudoamici, statements about the life of those who can not defend themselves. Secrets violated, the press went crazy, broadcasts created ad hoc. I read those statements "is that I know him", comments on dress or relatives at the funeral of ghostly allusions journalists likely use of Viagra by the Master. I have read and been silent. For a while '. More than this I can not. E'morto a great artist, a public figure, he was loved or hated, but, above all, a man died. And as such, deserves all the respect of the case. Not even the decency to wait until the burial, not even the idea that it was a father, a husband, a friend. Many soldi fanno perdere davvero la dignità?La ricchezza materiale può davvero appannare quella interiore?O sbiadisce solo i cuori che ricchi non lo sono mai stati? Che razza di rispetto può esserci nel rivelare segreti, pettegolezzi, ire o confidenze?Si può vivere con onore ma non morire con lo stesso, diceva qualcuno. Ma qualche volta, io credo, c’è perfino chi l’onore non lo conoscerà mai. Sarebbe bello se qualche volta le bocche tacessero e lasciassero solo posto alle lacrime. Quelle vere però, quelle che sanno di cuore e nostalgia. Che sono salate, ma del sale del mare. Immenso ed eterno.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Catcher Console - Web Monitor
The Unbearable Lightness of justice
E’il senso della giustizia quello che mi rovina. Che mi contorce le budella, sleep badly and laugh hard. More than fragility, hypersensitivity, is this damn wish that all take the right turn, not only for me but for the whole world. E'voglia of fairness, everyone gets the praise or infamy he deserves. That one has it and that is a no no. E'voglia of rules, habits and certainties. Of motivations, incentives, goals. E'desiderio of the common good. Because sometimes, they fall in his arms, his heart is tired and breathing becomes short. It passes the desire to do, to give, even to say. Forget it lots and you persist, you lose the meaning, purpose, sometimes you seem to lose even their dignity. We should do it again again this blessed world, reset and start over. Sometimes I feel ashamed for others and a few more for me. Not the jet in the towel because I want to go head-on, but these are not my rules. It was not like this game early. I played another game, perhaps without ever winning, but it was transparent, honest and comforting. I did not choose to do token, I do not like. Skipping a turn, no roll. So if my scores were higher get someone with his loaded dice. In this game we're losing all of them, there may not be noticed?
E’il senso della giustizia quello che mi rovina. Che mi contorce le budella, sleep badly and laugh hard. More than fragility, hypersensitivity, is this damn wish that all take the right turn, not only for me but for the whole world. E'voglia of fairness, everyone gets the praise or infamy he deserves. That one has it and that is a no no. E'voglia of rules, habits and certainties. Of motivations, incentives, goals. E'desiderio of the common good. Because sometimes, they fall in his arms, his heart is tired and breathing becomes short. It passes the desire to do, to give, even to say. Forget it lots and you persist, you lose the meaning, purpose, sometimes you seem to lose even their dignity. We should do it again again this blessed world, reset and start over. Sometimes I feel ashamed for others and a few more for me. Not the jet in the towel because I want to go head-on, but these are not my rules. It was not like this game early. I played another game, perhaps without ever winning, but it was transparent, honest and comforting. I did not choose to do token, I do not like. Skipping a turn, no roll. So if my scores were higher get someone with his loaded dice. In this game we're losing all of them, there may not be noticed?
Rome Total War/rome Total War Cd1.iso581.63 Mb
I have a chill that lasted more than a bit '. I run down my spine, which warms me and makes you feel part of something. I have pictures, sounds, voices and lights, smoke, laughter, sighs. In a moment life is that it stops and freezes. Wait, enjoyment, joy. E'tutti and everything. Again. Thanks, Vasco.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Pregnancy Nausea More Condition_symptoms
Autoconvincimento thrill ...
I believe that, ultimately, the choices that you can not do, follow a natural course. That the decisions, problems, concerns, what we have left to the mercy of events for lack of courage, consistency and determination, are ultimately resolved, however. Let those who can only haunt us and we are not capable of freeing all those people that claim and not harm, and are always concerned only about their balances and ever yours, we will po'alla abandon a time, that we do not know it now, life will do it for us. Maybe all you need is confidence, perhaps enough to understand that it is necessary to solve everything at once. It may not have the courage to know you still have to wait. Maybe it's an excuse, maybe write it just to convince myself that the choices the farò.Prima or later ....
I believe that, ultimately, the choices that you can not do, follow a natural course. That the decisions, problems, concerns, what we have left to the mercy of events for lack of courage, consistency and determination, are ultimately resolved, however. Let those who can only haunt us and we are not capable of freeing all those people that claim and not harm, and are always concerned only about their balances and ever yours, we will po'alla abandon a time, that we do not know it now, life will do it for us. Maybe all you need is confidence, perhaps enough to understand that it is necessary to solve everything at once. It may not have the courage to know you still have to wait. Maybe it's an excuse, maybe write it just to convince myself that the choices the farò.Prima or later ....
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