Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Catcher Console - Web Monitor

The Unbearable Lightness of justice

E’il senso della giustizia quello che mi rovina. Che mi contorce le budella, sleep badly and laugh hard. More than fragility, hypersensitivity, is this damn wish that all take the right turn, not only for me but for the whole world. E'voglia of fairness, everyone gets the praise or infamy he deserves. That one has it and that is a no no. E'voglia of rules, habits and certainties. Of motivations, incentives, goals. E'desiderio of the common good. Because sometimes, they fall in his arms, his heart is tired and breathing becomes short. It passes the desire to do, to give, even to say. Forget it lots and you persist, you lose the meaning, purpose, sometimes you seem to lose even their dignity. We should do it again again this blessed world, reset and start over. Sometimes I feel ashamed for others and a few more for me. Not the jet in the towel because I want to go head-on, but these are not my rules. It was not like this game early. I played another game, perhaps without ever winning, but it was transparent, honest and comforting. I did not choose to do token, I do not like. Skipping a turn, no roll. So if my scores were higher get someone with his loaded dice. In this game we're losing all of them, there may not be noticed?


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