Forse, qualche volta, è necessario andarsene per essere sicuri di rimanere. Farlo quando il ricordo è fresco e si è certi di mancare così rimarrà immutato per sempre. Andarsene perché non si è più capaci di restare. E non è orgoglio, né dignità, nor will anything else, just resigned to the idea that those who give us so much soul to understand the end, I do not ever understand. Why is wonderful to meet people different from us, but perhaps it is impossible to really understand it. One would like it to be possible, so that what we wish we were given in the form and when we want. And we're so busy waiting for something to give us someone who can not forget also that in the end what we wanted. Maybe it's not better or worse than anyone, is just be something else. And it's positive or negative, of that something else must take care because no one will do it for us. Nobody will if not us of our happiness. It is a unique responsibility, a sword of Damocles hanging over our heads for a lifetime. Always and forever we chase happiness, sometimes confusing it with his shadow. Nobody has the right to hinder us in the search, and we must remember there sometimes. Beyond the needs, requirements. Sometimes even beyond love ....
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