Thursday, July 24, 2008
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Monday, July 14, 2008 - 00:05 - Alessandro
After Spain, nuclear is still serious damage. This time in France, just 40 km from Avignon. On the evening of Tuesday, July 8, the French nuclear safety agency (ASN) announced that thirty meters of a solution containing 12 grams of uranium per liter were discharged into two rivers, the gaffe and the Auzon, the nuclear site at Tricastin Bollene in the department of Vaucluse. The spill occurred during the cleaning of a tank of the plant: the thirty thousand liters of liquid highly contaminated by uranium, have gone to the ground and poured into an adjacent channel, which then dumped them in rivers. In total, those with 30,000 liters, ended up in the 360-kilograms of uranium. Too many. Despite this, the agency risks for the population are "minimal." The difference is that compared to previous incidents, here comes into play a quantity of radioactive material that can not all have risks and minimi.Tutti compounds are toxic and radioactive isotopes of uranium to a level potentially lethal. A non-lethal doses, the toxicity of uranium produces more damage to the body. If inhaled uranium is dissolved in the fluids of the mucous membranes of the lungs, and quickly enters the blood. Although much of absorbed uranium is excreted in the urine, the part that is not removed and accumulates in bones, especially in reni.I radiation damage is permanent. Uranium fixed in the bones and organs to radiation affects the surrounding cells, with particularly serious effects on the bone marrow. A person can be exposed to uranium by inhaling dust in the air that is ingested in food and water, the average daily intake of uranium is between 0.7 and 1.1 micrograms. But here we are in the presence of a leak of 360 kilograms, and a press of a government institution that speaks of "minimal risk to the population." Meanwhile, local municipalities of Bollene, Lapalud and Lamotte-du-Rhone have prohibited the taking of water from wells, and the use of water from rivers to irrigate their fields. Also prohibited fishing, fish consumption and swimming in polluted water, prohibition of water activities, block distribution Water management critical potabile.E get the story. The Commission's independent research and information on radioactivity (Criirad) denounced the "lack of reliability" of the central Tricastin, explaining that "this incident, not least, comes after an increasing number of other incidents, which show a degradation of waste management on a site intended instead to develop. "criticized the way the incident to give information," using the unit of measurement of mass (gram) - added the Criirad - rather than the radioactivity (the becquerel) does not account for the amplitude of the leak. " The loss concludes the commission, would pour into the rivers "A drain more than 100 times the annual limit." It was also felt the organization "Exit nuclear power," according to which "it is impossible that such a flight, containing uranium, does not have a significant impact on the environment and human health." On the Italian front, not too far in As the crow flies from the area of \u200b\u200bthe plant, there has been no outlier. To be interested in the accident was the Piedmont, where the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection has issued a communiqué stating that "although it is an event that would have involved only a local contamination of soil and groundwater aquifer following the release of contaminated water, increased the level of attention of the environmental radioactivity monitoring as a result of geographic proximity to the French site, located approximately 180 kilometers from the border of Piedmont. The data from the radiometric survey carried out by seven regional network of sensors Geiger Alert radiological places along the French border, did not indicate an outlier. "Similar results were obtained with more accurate analysis of particulate air pollution. Further experiments will be carried out in the coming hours with the sampling of one of the border areas closer to the French nuclear site, particularly on the Colle della Maddalena in Stura Valley.
After Spain, nuclear is still serious damage. This time in France, just 40 km from Avignon. On the evening of Tuesday, July 8, the French nuclear safety agency (ASN) announced that thirty meters of a solution containing 12 grams of uranium per liter were discharged into two rivers, the gaffe and the Auzon, the nuclear site at Tricastin Bollene in the department of Vaucluse. The spill occurred during the cleaning of a tank of the plant: the thirty thousand liters of liquid highly contaminated by uranium, have gone to the ground and poured into an adjacent channel, which then dumped them in rivers. In total, those with 30,000 liters, ended up in the 360-kilograms of uranium. Too many. Despite this, the agency risks for the population are "minimal." The difference is that compared to previous incidents, here comes into play a quantity of radioactive material that can not all have risks and minimi.Tutti compounds are toxic and radioactive isotopes of uranium to a level potentially lethal. A non-lethal doses, the toxicity of uranium produces more damage to the body. If inhaled uranium is dissolved in the fluids of the mucous membranes of the lungs, and quickly enters the blood. Although much of absorbed uranium is excreted in the urine, the part that is not removed and accumulates in bones, especially in reni.I radiation damage is permanent. Uranium fixed in the bones and organs to radiation affects the surrounding cells, with particularly serious effects on the bone marrow. A person can be exposed to uranium by inhaling dust in the air that is ingested in food and water, the average daily intake of uranium is between 0.7 and 1.1 micrograms. But here we are in the presence of a leak of 360 kilograms, and a press of a government institution that speaks of "minimal risk to the population." Meanwhile, local municipalities of Bollene, Lapalud and Lamotte-du-Rhone have prohibited the taking of water from wells, and the use of water from rivers to irrigate their fields. Also prohibited fishing, fish consumption and swimming in polluted water, prohibition of water activities, block distribution Water management critical potabile.E get the story. The Commission's independent research and information on radioactivity (Criirad) denounced the "lack of reliability" of the central Tricastin, explaining that "this incident, not least, comes after an increasing number of other incidents, which show a degradation of waste management on a site intended instead to develop. "criticized the way the incident to give information," using the unit of measurement of mass (gram) - added the Criirad - rather than the radioactivity (the becquerel) does not account for the amplitude of the leak. " The loss concludes the commission, would pour into the rivers "A drain more than 100 times the annual limit." It was also felt the organization "Exit nuclear power," according to which "it is impossible that such a flight, containing uranium, does not have a significant impact on the environment and human health." On the Italian front, not too far in As the crow flies from the area of \u200b\u200bthe plant, there has been no outlier. To be interested in the accident was the Piedmont, where the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection has issued a communiqué stating that "although it is an event that would have involved only a local contamination of soil and groundwater aquifer following the release of contaminated water, increased the level of attention of the environmental radioactivity monitoring as a result of geographic proximity to the French site, located approximately 180 kilometers from the border of Piedmont. The data from the radiometric survey carried out by seven regional network of sensors Geiger Alert radiological places along the French border, did not indicate an outlier. "Similar results were obtained with more accurate analysis of particulate air pollution. Further experiments will be carried out in the coming hours with the sampling of one of the border areas closer to the French nuclear site, particularly on the Colle della Maddalena in Stura Valley.
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G8 sentenza mite per Bolzaneto chiesti dal Pm 80 anni condannati a 24 anni
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G8, sentenza mite per Bolzaneto Chiesti 80 anni, condannati a 24
ROMA - A sette anni dalle violente nel "carcere provvisorio" di Bolzaneto, i giudici di Genova pronunciano la sentenza contro i 44 ufficiali, guardie carcerarie e medici imputati di aver sottoposto a sevizie più di duecento no global. Dopo dieci ore di camera di consiglio, il verdetto cancella l'ipotesi di crudeltà e tortura sostenuta dalla Procura. Assolve trenta imputati, ne condanna solo 15. Contro una richiesta di poco meno di 80 anni di reclusione, i giudici ne hanno inflitto solo 24 e, grazie alla prescrizione e all'indulto, nessuno dei condannati finirà in galera. Alessandro Perugini, l'ex numero 2 della Digos genovese, imputato in un altro procedimento per i fatti del G8 - l'arresto illegale di un adolescente massacrato a calci e pugni davanti alla questura genovese - la Procura aveva chiesto tre anni e mezzo. E' stato condannato a 2 anni e 4 mesi. Un altro vice-questore genovese, Anna Poggi, è stato condannato a 2 anni e 4 mesi contro i 3 anni e mezzo richiesti dal pm. Giacomo Toccafondi, il medico coordinatore del servizio sanitario a Bolzaneto, ha subito una condanna ad un anno e 2 mesi contro i 3 anni e mezzo richiesti dall'accusa. La sentenza più pesante è stata inflitta a Antonio Gugliotta, l'ispettore di polizia penitenziaria responsabile della sicurezza nella caserma: cinque anni, come richiesto dall'accusa, per aver picchiato con il manganello i giovani no global. Accolta la richiesta della Procura anche per Massimo Pigozzi l'agente accusato di aver lacerato la mano ad uno degli arrestati: 3 anni e 2 mesi contro i 3 anni e 11 mesi richiesti dai pm. Tra gli assolti, l'attuale generale della polizia penitenziaria, Oronzo Doria, all'epoca dei fatti colonnello, che la Procura voleva condannato a 3 anni e mezzo. Condannato il ministero degli Interni e quello della Giustizia a pagare i danni materiali e morali subito dalle parti civili. In media, settantamila euro per ognuno delle 209 vittime accertate. In totale circa quindici milioni di euro.
Laconico e imbarazzato il commento della Procura alla sentenza shock: "E' stato riconosciuto che qualcosa di grave nella caserma di Bolzaneto è successo", ha detto il pm Vittorio Ranieri Miniati che, insieme a Patrizia Petruzziello, ha sostenuto l'accusa. "Il tribunale - ha proseguito il magistrato - ha ritenuto di assolvere diversi imputati. Leggeremo la sentenza e valuteremo se fare appello. E' stata comunque riconosciuta l'accusa di abuso d'autorità".
republic by online
G8, sentenza mite per Bolzaneto Chiesti 80 anni, condannati a 24
ROMA - A sette anni dalle violente nel "carcere provvisorio" di Bolzaneto, i giudici di Genova pronunciano la sentenza contro i 44 ufficiali, guardie carcerarie e medici imputati di aver sottoposto a sevizie più di duecento no global. Dopo dieci ore di camera di consiglio, il verdetto cancella l'ipotesi di crudeltà e tortura sostenuta dalla Procura. Assolve trenta imputati, ne condanna solo 15. Contro una richiesta di poco meno di 80 anni di reclusione, i giudici ne hanno inflitto solo 24 e, grazie alla prescrizione e all'indulto, nessuno dei condannati finirà in galera. Alessandro Perugini, l'ex numero 2 della Digos genovese, imputato in un altro procedimento per i fatti del G8 - l'arresto illegale di un adolescente massacrato a calci e pugni davanti alla questura genovese - la Procura aveva chiesto tre anni e mezzo. E' stato condannato a 2 anni e 4 mesi. Un altro vice-questore genovese, Anna Poggi, è stato condannato a 2 anni e 4 mesi contro i 3 anni e mezzo richiesti dal pm. Giacomo Toccafondi, il medico coordinatore del servizio sanitario a Bolzaneto, ha subito una condanna ad un anno e 2 mesi contro i 3 anni e mezzo richiesti dall'accusa. La sentenza più pesante è stata inflitta a Antonio Gugliotta, l'ispettore di polizia penitenziaria responsabile della sicurezza nella caserma: cinque anni, come richiesto dall'accusa, per aver picchiato con il manganello i giovani no global. Accolta la richiesta della Procura anche per Massimo Pigozzi l'agente accusato di aver lacerato la mano ad uno degli arrestati: 3 anni e 2 mesi contro i 3 anni e 11 mesi richiesti dai pm. Tra gli assolti, l'attuale generale della polizia penitenziaria, Oronzo Doria, all'epoca dei fatti colonnello, che la Procura voleva condannato a 3 anni e mezzo. Condannato il ministero degli Interni e quello della Giustizia a pagare i danni materiali e morali subito dalle parti civili. In media, settantamila euro per ognuno delle 209 vittime accertate. In totale circa quindici milioni di euro.
Laconico e imbarazzato il commento della Procura alla sentenza shock: "E' stato riconosciuto che qualcosa di grave nella caserma di Bolzaneto è successo", ha detto il pm Vittorio Ranieri Miniati che, insieme a Patrizia Petruzziello, ha sostenuto l'accusa. "Il tribunale - ha proseguito il magistrato - ha ritenuto di assolvere diversi imputati. Leggeremo la sentenza e valuteremo se fare appello. E' stata comunque riconosciuta l'accusa di abuso d'autorità".
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da IL SOLE 24 ORE del 13 luglio
IDV: 80mila
LN: 331mila
PD: 605mila
FI: 1.110mila
UDC: 2.160mila
principali finanziatori privati
PD : Scarpellini (construction / real estate) = 100 thousand; Zamparini (as owner of the Typical Farms !!!): 100 thousand
FI : Arvedi (steel Cremona) = 300 thousand; Gavio (highways Tortona) = 510mila; Cimolai (real estate) = 100 thousand
UDC : Caltagirone (construction / real estate) = 1.600mila; Angelucci (publishers of the free and Reform) = 40 thousand; Nattino (banker close to the Vatican): 100 thousand; Scarpellini (Construction / real estate) = 100 thousand
donations Berlusconi
Social Action (Mussolini): € 126,820
election committee for mayor Alemanno: 50,000 €
election committee for President Antoniozzi: 400,000 €
Italians in the world (Di Gregorio): 100,000 euro
payments of the founding members of the PDL: 33,766,769.81 €
FI = AN =
€ 23,766,570.43 € 10,000,199.38
da IL SOLE 24 ORE del 13 luglio
IDV: 80mila
LN: 331mila
PD: 605mila
FI: 1.110mila
UDC: 2.160mila
principali finanziatori privati
PD : Scarpellini (construction / real estate) = 100 thousand; Zamparini (as owner of the Typical Farms !!!): 100 thousand
FI : Arvedi (steel Cremona) = 300 thousand; Gavio (highways Tortona) = 510mila; Cimolai (real estate) = 100 thousand
UDC : Caltagirone (construction / real estate) = 1.600mila; Angelucci (publishers of the free and Reform) = 40 thousand; Nattino (banker close to the Vatican): 100 thousand; Scarpellini (Construction / real estate) = 100 thousand
donations Berlusconi
Social Action (Mussolini): € 126,820
election committee for mayor Alemanno: 50,000 €
election committee for President Antoniozzi: 400,000 €
Italians in the world (Di Gregorio): 100,000 euro
payments of the founding members of the PDL: 33,766,769.81 €
FI = AN =
€ 23,766,570.43 € 10,000,199.38
Monday, July 14, 2008
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Four Weddings and a Funeral
What comes around 30 years is usually a war bulletin. That is not careful, the list of dead or injured, but simply to the happiness of others. Successes, goals, marriage, children, graduations, contracts unique, star homes and luxury cars. It is a sort of wheel that has accompanied everyone around that age. And I comforted by this, I always smile, rejoicing for that or the other, prides itself on not being the least affected by what the world considers the steps required for happiness. For those like me, then, that never will be really happy, the situation is complicated somewhat. The truth is that this idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness is a stone, a sword of Damocles constantly hovering over our heads and see that most of those around you if they have free in impeccable style, a little bit, I admit it bothers me . The happiness of others, some time, make you feel inadequate. This does not mean wanting everything goes wrong at all, but at least it would be nice that not everyone came to my ears. I have already accumulated sufficient red confetti degrees, strings of participation in weddings, farewell to spinsterhood, receipts for games Gormiti in case "we had already", lists of friends who have lost pounds with minimal effort, toast to scrap careers ... Well, maybe it's enough. At least it is no need that I also happen that he married the son of my kindergarten teacher, the more thug in my class in elementary had a son and my boyfriend of 4 years (that right for the record has always gave that name without my having given consent least) live in a beautiful penthouse and earn two million per month. I am discussing with my for the tents, I have not yet graduated, my job is compromised, gem from my car is turning into jewelry, I have paid salary last week of May, the house is still to whiten and Friends have become a sub-Beautiful. Ah! However, I have beautiful nails ....
Saturday, July 12, 2008
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Who cares about Mara Carfagna
Marco Bascetta "Manifesto of July 11, 2008"
"Ubi maior minor cessat. It seems that the reversal of one of the most abused these Latin dominates the public debate in Italy. This is nothing new. From time graffiti and flags burned, drunken talk and truculent slogan, throwing vegetables, whistles and jeers were transformed into crucial policy issues, national emergencies, the subject of commentaries, editorials, parliamentary questions. The reaction stirred at exhibitions di Grillo e Guzzanti in piazza Navona a Roma rientrano pienamente in questo clima che finisce col contagiare anche il direttore di Liberazione Piero Sansonetti, il quale denuncia addirittura una «crisi di civiltà».
Parola grossa e quant'altre mai equivoca. Dopo la dottrina dello «scontro di civiltà», Guantanamo e la guerra irachena non ci sarebbe bisogno di scomodare Nietzsche o Freud o il colonialismo europeo, per ricordarci su quali basi poggi la nostra «civiltà». La quale include fenomeni ben peggiori di qualsiasi improntitudine. Dunque, forse, è di «galateo» che si intendeva parlare. Ma anche in questo caso non servirà rimestare nella critica delle «buone maniere»(delle quali i congressi di Rifondazione offrono un luminoso esempio) per concludere che con la politica c'entrano assai poco. Oltre alla proverbiale rivoluzione, anche la lotta politica, quando non si tratti di un insulso minuetto veltroniano, non è un pranzo di gala. Senza contare che si possono mandare al massacro immense moltitudini o precipitare nella miseria intere popolazioni senza mettere i gomiti sul tavolo e con la cravatta perfettamente annodata. Seguendo britannicamente l'etichetta della nostra «civiltà». Tale è l'ipnosi esercitata dal formalismo della democrazia rappresentativa che l'attenzione si sposta addirittura dalle forme e i dispositivi dello stato di diritto, che comunque conservano qualcosa di sostanziale, a pure e semplici questioni di buona creanza. From the rules of censorship of words and gestures. However, it sometimes happens that the morale of the comic little deviates from that of the priests and policemen. And always flows into bad policy. So Grillo, which seems to make his own battle against the families of Chiaiano landfill, a few weeks ago he would be precluded from exercising any rights as a citizen member of those families affected by court order, for strength and outrage, roadblock or a violation of territory military. It will also be effective satire, but it is certainly bad policy. How bad policy is to accuse Grillo its good earnings, than it would have reproached the director of the Corriere della sera or the host of a talk show. Is the irresistible temptation to the moralists morality. Di Pietro, Grillo, the Democratic Party and the whole caste outraged, Girotondo, rondaioli forcaioli and are immersed up to his neck in the same slurry. It is not the vulgarity of the words, but the misery of the political, the futile wickedness of zero tolerance, the distressing lack of rational thinking, opportunism and hypocrisy to suffocate day after day. Following the moralistic rhetoric you travel safe, not to the Scandinavian social puritanism, but towards the police state or something worse. The fact is that democracy survives only expands and shall not enlarge the etiquette, but the conflict. And the conflict, looking at a future law, not always bend to the present, much less to the mentality of a political party, Italy of Values, as to the stupidity of his name, is equaled only by Sendero Luminoso. Mara Carfagna, then, who cares. To insult or to apologize.
Marco Bascetta "Manifesto of July 11, 2008"
"Ubi maior minor cessat. It seems that the reversal of one of the most abused these Latin dominates the public debate in Italy. This is nothing new. From time graffiti and flags burned, drunken talk and truculent slogan, throwing vegetables, whistles and jeers were transformed into crucial policy issues, national emergencies, the subject of commentaries, editorials, parliamentary questions. The reaction stirred at exhibitions di Grillo e Guzzanti in piazza Navona a Roma rientrano pienamente in questo clima che finisce col contagiare anche il direttore di Liberazione Piero Sansonetti, il quale denuncia addirittura una «crisi di civiltà».
Parola grossa e quant'altre mai equivoca. Dopo la dottrina dello «scontro di civiltà», Guantanamo e la guerra irachena non ci sarebbe bisogno di scomodare Nietzsche o Freud o il colonialismo europeo, per ricordarci su quali basi poggi la nostra «civiltà». La quale include fenomeni ben peggiori di qualsiasi improntitudine. Dunque, forse, è di «galateo» che si intendeva parlare. Ma anche in questo caso non servirà rimestare nella critica delle «buone maniere»(delle quali i congressi di Rifondazione offrono un luminoso esempio) per concludere che con la politica c'entrano assai poco. Oltre alla proverbiale rivoluzione, anche la lotta politica, quando non si tratti di un insulso minuetto veltroniano, non è un pranzo di gala. Senza contare che si possono mandare al massacro immense moltitudini o precipitare nella miseria intere popolazioni senza mettere i gomiti sul tavolo e con la cravatta perfettamente annodata. Seguendo britannicamente l'etichetta della nostra «civiltà». Tale è l'ipnosi esercitata dal formalismo della democrazia rappresentativa che l'attenzione si sposta addirittura dalle forme e i dispositivi dello stato di diritto, che comunque conservano qualcosa di sostanziale, a pure e semplici questioni di buona creanza. From the rules of censorship of words and gestures. However, it sometimes happens that the morale of the comic little deviates from that of the priests and policemen. And always flows into bad policy. So Grillo, which seems to make his own battle against the families of Chiaiano landfill, a few weeks ago he would be precluded from exercising any rights as a citizen member of those families affected by court order, for strength and outrage, roadblock or a violation of territory military. It will also be effective satire, but it is certainly bad policy. How bad policy is to accuse Grillo its good earnings, than it would have reproached the director of the Corriere della sera or the host of a talk show. Is the irresistible temptation to the moralists morality. Di Pietro, Grillo, the Democratic Party and the whole caste outraged, Girotondo, rondaioli forcaioli and are immersed up to his neck in the same slurry. It is not the vulgarity of the words, but the misery of the political, the futile wickedness of zero tolerance, the distressing lack of rational thinking, opportunism and hypocrisy to suffocate day after day. Following the moralistic rhetoric you travel safe, not to the Scandinavian social puritanism, but towards the police state or something worse. The fact is that democracy survives only expands and shall not enlarge the etiquette, but the conflict. And the conflict, looking at a future law, not always bend to the present, much less to the mentality of a political party, Italy of Values, as to the stupidity of his name, is equaled only by Sendero Luminoso. Mara Carfagna, then, who cares. To insult or to apologize.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
What Is Cm Like Before Period
Countering the attack to justice is necessary, but is far from sufficient: devastate on other fronts. The poster, July 8, 2008
Author: Polo, Gabriele
Released: 08.07.2008
what may not be the legal problems to bring down Berlusconi from the pedestal. As they have fourteen years now. Now, in the 'double' decree bloccaprocessi-Alfano, the prime minister may even opt for the latter, his allies happy by giving the Democratic Party and the appearance of a point to be collected. In having to choose the lesser evil, temporary impunity for "the highest offices of state" is certainly the preferred option. But always 'lesser evil' is.
The story confirms that the judicial process for political change is an illusion, but - above all - that it is wrong to conceive the fight against Berlusconi as the battle is resolved by a single person and his misdeeds. No matter how powerful the person and the serious wrongdoing. Reductionism that before, he built an electoral alliance by shortness of breath as the last Prodi government and parliamentary opposition has now reduced the contrast to pure ad personam laws prepared by the majority of the Prime Minister.
So the first mass demonstration against a government base is constrained to move in the shifting sands of an exchange between the two different procedures put in place to ensure the impunity Berlusconi, while the Democratic Party is content (to simulate in life) of a 'harmless collection of signatures in waiting for a place to come. In three months, maybe.
Meanwhile Maroni take fingerprints, Tremonti propaganda his charity to the poor, the duo-Brunetta Sacconi dismantles definitively the rights of lavoro, la Russa fa la guerra, Scajola predispone affari nucleari. In pochi vedono in queste politiche concrete l'essenza del berlusconismo; in pochissimi (e sparpagliati) provano a opporvisi. I più inseguono le vicende pecorecce dell'imperatore e dei suoi cortigiani o pensano di poterle esibire come prova d'indegnità a un'opinione pubblica ormai rotta a tutto o quasi.
Scendere in piazza è un atto lodevole e c'è da sperare che la manifestazione di oggi vada bene, che sia un augurio per il futuro. Ma è pericoloso ridurre la portata dell'iniziativa guardando solo la punta dell'iceberg: il problema dell'iniziativa contro «il ritorno del Caimano» non è in ciò che dice, ma in quel che non dice. Nel lasciare ai margini, ad esempio, i temi economici e sociali. Nell'ignorare che l'uso privato e affaristico della cosa pubblica è la forma che riveste la sostanza della trasformazione delle persone in merci, dei cittadini in sudditi. Una mezza opposizione.
Author: Polo, Gabriele
Released: 08.07.2008
what may not be the legal problems to bring down Berlusconi from the pedestal. As they have fourteen years now. Now, in the 'double' decree bloccaprocessi-Alfano, the prime minister may even opt for the latter, his allies happy by giving the Democratic Party and the appearance of a point to be collected. In having to choose the lesser evil, temporary impunity for "the highest offices of state" is certainly the preferred option. But always 'lesser evil' is.
The story confirms that the judicial process for political change is an illusion, but - above all - that it is wrong to conceive the fight against Berlusconi as the battle is resolved by a single person and his misdeeds. No matter how powerful the person and the serious wrongdoing. Reductionism that before, he built an electoral alliance by shortness of breath as the last Prodi government and parliamentary opposition has now reduced the contrast to pure ad personam laws prepared by the majority of the Prime Minister.
So the first mass demonstration against a government base is constrained to move in the shifting sands of an exchange between the two different procedures put in place to ensure the impunity Berlusconi, while the Democratic Party is content (to simulate in life) of a 'harmless collection of signatures in waiting for a place to come. In three months, maybe.
Meanwhile Maroni take fingerprints, Tremonti propaganda his charity to the poor, the duo-Brunetta Sacconi dismantles definitively the rights of lavoro, la Russa fa la guerra, Scajola predispone affari nucleari. In pochi vedono in queste politiche concrete l'essenza del berlusconismo; in pochissimi (e sparpagliati) provano a opporvisi. I più inseguono le vicende pecorecce dell'imperatore e dei suoi cortigiani o pensano di poterle esibire come prova d'indegnità a un'opinione pubblica ormai rotta a tutto o quasi.
Scendere in piazza è un atto lodevole e c'è da sperare che la manifestazione di oggi vada bene, che sia un augurio per il futuro. Ma è pericoloso ridurre la portata dell'iniziativa guardando solo la punta dell'iceberg: il problema dell'iniziativa contro «il ritorno del Caimano» non è in ciò che dice, ma in quel che non dice. Nel lasciare ai margini, ad esempio, i temi economici e sociali. Nell'ignorare che l'uso privato e affaristico della cosa pubblica è la forma che riveste la sostanza della trasformazione delle persone in merci, dei cittadini in sudditi. Una mezza opposizione.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
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"La minoranza ha il dovere di manifestare"
Umberto Eco ha inviato questa lettera a Furio Colombo, Paolo Flores d'Arcais, Pancho Pardi, promotori della manifestazione dell'8 luglio in Piazza Navona.
Cari Amici,
mentre esprimo la mia solidarietà per la vostra manifestazione, vorrei che essa servisse a ricordare a tutti due punti che si è sovente tentati di dimenticare:
1) Democrazia non significa that the majority is right. It means that the majority has the right to rule.
2) Democracy does not mean therefore that the minority is wrong. It means that, while respecting the rule of the majority, it is expressed out loud every time I think I'm wrong, that the majority (or even do things contrary to law, morals and the very principles of democracy), and must do more and the maximum energy for this is the mandate he received from citizens. When the majority claims that it is always right and the minority does not dare to react, then democracy is in danger.
Umberto Eco (2 July 2008)
"La minoranza ha il dovere di manifestare"
Umberto Eco ha inviato questa lettera a Furio Colombo, Paolo Flores d'Arcais, Pancho Pardi, promotori della manifestazione dell'8 luglio in Piazza Navona.
Cari Amici,
mentre esprimo la mia solidarietà per la vostra manifestazione, vorrei che essa servisse a ricordare a tutti due punti che si è sovente tentati di dimenticare:
1) Democrazia non significa that the majority is right. It means that the majority has the right to rule.
2) Democracy does not mean therefore that the minority is wrong. It means that, while respecting the rule of the majority, it is expressed out loud every time I think I'm wrong, that the majority (or even do things contrary to law, morals and the very principles of democracy), and must do more and the maximum energy for this is the mandate he received from citizens. When the majority claims that it is always right and the minority does not dare to react, then democracy is in danger.
Umberto Eco (2 July 2008)
San Antonio Brazilian Wax
Travaglio impunity
Vi invito alla grande manifestazione che si terrà a Roma. Le adesioni sono talmente tante che è stata spostata da piazza del Pantheon a piazza Navona. 8 luglio, ore 18.00, tutti a Roma.
Vi invito alla grande manifestazione che si terrà a Roma. Le adesioni sono talmente tante che è stata spostata da piazza del Pantheon a piazza Navona. 8 luglio, ore 18.00, tutti a Roma.
Leg Numbness More Condition_symptoms
Turkey: appeal for the release of a union
Meryem Özsögüt è una donna che ha scelto un mestiere poco gradito alle autorità del suo Paese. Fa parte del consiglio direttivo di SES, un sindacato turco degli impiegati pubblici affiliato a PSI (Public Services International). Il 14 dicembre 2007 Meryem ha partecipato ad una conferenza stampa in which he denounced the murder of Kevser Mizrak, happened by the police. The request for participation sent to the SES, was received by fax. In this regard, PSI emphasizes that neither the police nor other authorities have warned before or after the press conference that the participation in this event would be considered illegal. A few days later, on January 8, 2008, Meryem Özsögüt was arrested. At the same time other people have ended up in prison, presumably for the same reason, but now they have regained their freedom. For Meryem, however, the cell doors were not open yet and the date of the hearing postponed several times, remains unknown. It is the belief of the PSI that the arrest of Miss Özsögüt is solely motivated by his activities as a union leader. An idea supported by the place where it is held, one of the notorious Turkish prisons "Type F", where small groups of prisoners are kept isolated under special surveillance. All this underlines the hostility toward the institutions of trade unions and determination put in place to repress the legitimate activities by any means to protect the rights of workers in Turkey. In response to numerous letters of protest, the government in Ankara has made it known to the Public Services International who is accused of Meryem Özsögüt be "a member of a terrorist" and "having made propaganda." PSI calls on the government for the immediate release of Miss turkish Özsögüt, safeguarding their health and the full respect of international treaties signed by Turkey.
(English translation by Michele Nigra).
To know the whole story in detail and, of course,
send your message of protest to the highest offices of government in Ankara
visit the page in the Italian countryside
Meryem Özsögüt è una donna che ha scelto un mestiere poco gradito alle autorità del suo Paese. Fa parte del consiglio direttivo di SES, un sindacato turco degli impiegati pubblici affiliato a PSI (Public Services International). Il 14 dicembre 2007 Meryem ha partecipato ad una conferenza stampa in which he denounced the murder of Kevser Mizrak, happened by the police. The request for participation sent to the SES, was received by fax. In this regard, PSI emphasizes that neither the police nor other authorities have warned before or after the press conference that the participation in this event would be considered illegal. A few days later, on January 8, 2008, Meryem Özsögüt was arrested. At the same time other people have ended up in prison, presumably for the same reason, but now they have regained their freedom. For Meryem, however, the cell doors were not open yet and the date of the hearing postponed several times, remains unknown. It is the belief of the PSI that the arrest of Miss Özsögüt is solely motivated by his activities as a union leader. An idea supported by the place where it is held, one of the notorious Turkish prisons "Type F", where small groups of prisoners are kept isolated under special surveillance. All this underlines the hostility toward the institutions of trade unions and determination put in place to repress the legitimate activities by any means to protect the rights of workers in Turkey. In response to numerous letters of protest, the government in Ankara has made it known to the Public Services International who is accused of Meryem Özsögüt be "a member of a terrorist" and "having made propaganda." PSI calls on the government for the immediate release of Miss turkish Özsögüt, safeguarding their health and the full respect of international treaties signed by Turkey.
(English translation by Michele Nigra).
To know the whole story in detail and, of course,
send your message of protest to the highest offices of government in Ankara
visit the page in the Italian countryside
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