"La minoranza ha il dovere di manifestare"
Umberto Eco ha inviato questa lettera a Furio Colombo, Paolo Flores d'Arcais, Pancho Pardi, promotori della manifestazione dell'8 luglio in Piazza Navona.
Cari Amici,
mentre esprimo la mia solidarietà per la vostra manifestazione, vorrei che essa servisse a ricordare a tutti due punti che si è sovente tentati di dimenticare:
1) Democrazia non significa that the majority is right. It means that the majority has the right to rule.
2) Democracy does not mean therefore that the minority is wrong. It means that, while respecting the rule of the majority, it is expressed out loud every time I think I'm wrong, that the majority (or even do things contrary to law, morals and the very principles of democracy), and must do more and the maximum energy for this is the mandate he received from citizens. When the majority claims that it is always right and the minority does not dare to react, then democracy is in danger.
Umberto Eco (2 July 2008)
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