Ti chiedo se esiste una ragione per stare così. Ti chiedo perché certi giorni uno si alza e non ha voglia di parlare, di guardare, nemmeno di respirare. Ti chiedo perché la libertà di decidere con chi trascorrere il tuo tempo, non vale tutti i giorni, tutte le ore. Ti chiedo because they always come to the point of exceeding the limit, and then regret it. You wonder why when you are sad the world is not. Why all smile and hop and live in peace with the world that world just when you are burnt. I ask her where you're always happy and sunny 364 days a year and it happens that day that NO does not accuse the people and break it to you. Do you wonder why the good by those who expected more good and evildoers would not expect anything more. Do you ever wonder how belief in oneself is the hardest thing in the world. Do you wonder why sometimes you laugh and play down its not fails. You wonder why some people live well without to take over the term conscience and dignity. Do you wonder why the sadness lasts more than the joy of summer and winter. I ask why, if you want to do things properly and do not ask for anything more if you not only what it is, someone is sure to make things more complicated. I ask because sometimes you stay at home and sleep or spend the rest of the day to read because they often throw in the lives of others helps to forget for a little the own. You wonder why we always talk before and after and never during. Because the words never and always are more important than good and evil. You wonder why there is never the moon when you have time to see the sky e perché l’alba è sempre troppo presto. Ti chiedo perché se aspetti una telefonata il telefono non suona mai e se vuoi cambiare le cose il cambiamento arriva e tocca gli altri. Ti chiedo come mai qualche volta la felicità degli altri ferisce e fa sentire inadeguati. Ti chiedo perché se gli amici te li scegli non riesci a liberarti di certi parassiti che amici non lo sono mai stati. Ti chiedo perché devo giustificare e comprendere se non sono giustificata e compresa. Ti chiedo perché la solitudine, ai più, è sinonimo di tristezza e non di conoscenza. Ti chiedo se esiste un modo per capire qual è la cosa giusta da dire e da fare, la strada da prendere e il desiderio che vale la pena realizzare. Ti chiedo perché se hai un sogno and you know what you do in life you think that perhaps would not have made it easier. I ask because if you repeat that in all things, the secret of life is not to have expectations, then deep down, something you would expect anyway. You wonder how much courage it takes to continue always to stay true to yourself even if it is no longer for others. You wonder if it takes more courage to leave or continue, if evil is always persevere. You wonder if others have estimated that you also derive from your flaws because otherwise it is a dirty lie. Do you wonder why you pay a price is always too much to stay authentic. I ask because they know they lost some victories and you darken some compliments. I ask why is not everything at once and how long negative, the positive start. I ask you if you speak without saying anything is still useful or whether, instead, it would be wonderful to look in silence. Do you wonder where it goes when you can not grab it and why, sometimes, know happiness only by the noise that is going away on ...
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