Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sprinkling Adderall Xr

Report of yesterday's

Last night, October 29, 2008, we held the meeting of the Committee for the Defence of the public school in Rozzano.
These decisions taken:
1. It was decided to go forward in mobilizing aims firstly to inform parents about what the consequences of the reform Gelmini. For this reason the III Club has already organized an informational meeting for Tuesday, November 4 at 21.00 at the primary school in Via Foscolo in which the executive will intervene Pizzuti. There are of course all invited.
Another meeting is scheduled at the fifth printing of complex presumably for November 11 but has yet to define the date.
E 'planned meeting then turned to the parents of the first and second club to be held at the complex way of Orchids to be agreed with the Director Cameron date to be determined (could be November 21) where it could intervene Daniele Checchi, dean of Political Science and author of the White paper on the school as well as a school administrator. Finally
Wednesday, November 5 at the school in Via Muzio in Milan at 17.30 a meeting of schools in Milan is expected to decide in which other forms of mobilization. Some of us will go and report back then.
2. It was also decided to carry out an initiative the city, such as a day of celebration at a school, the school of thought via Cloves (Circle II) or via one of Orchids (The Circle), as are the schools more central. In this case you could do on a Saturday to organize games and snacks for children and distribute informational materials.
If this initiative succeeds in realizing fast enough could be for example 22 or Saturday, Nov. 29 Saturday, otherwise we have to move in January, as a bridge between December and Christmas is more complicated.
3. It is also thought to prepare information material, such as leaflets, written in other languages \u200b\u200bto be distributed on several occasions. The first that came to mind are: leafleting the Saturday morning market in Piazza Leaf (date to be agreed), distribution of leaflets in Ponte Sesto (date to be agreed) and leafleting at the City Council of 24/11 in which is also on the agenda a motion will be discussed how the City plans to cope with hours left uncovered as a result of the reform.
4. Someone last night proposed to open a "blog" as a space for disseminating information via the Internet.
why I started a blog you find here:

Everyone can write on this site by entering:
http://www.blogger . com
and typing your account name and password already reported on the mailing list
Then click on "new post"

mail address
can also become the official mail of the committee and is accessible by Google.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Butterfly Sayings Weddings

Appello Società Italiana di Medicina delle Migrazioni

get from

access to health care for illegal aliens

An appeal by the Italian Society of Medical Migration: withdraw the amendment amends Article. 35, TU!

An act unnecessary and harmful even dangerous.

In the debate in the Senate of the "Security Package" (Act 733), the Joint Commission on Justice and Constitutional Affairs, was filed by four senators and a senator of the League North an amendment that radically undermines one of the basic principles of health policy in respect of foreign nationals in our country and the guarantee of access to services for the illegal and irregular component.

There are two changes to paragraph 4 and paragraph 6, the repeal of paragraph 5 of Article 35 of Legislative Decree 286 of 1998 (Consolidated Act on immigration).

Let's start with paragraph 5, the cancellation of which is extremely serious: in fact it now provides "access to health facilities (both hospital and local) by the alien does not comply with the rules on residence can not cause any type of report authority, except in cases where it is compulsory to report on equal footing with Italian citizens. "
This provision is included in the Italian legislation since 1995, through art. 13, brought by a vast area of \u200b\u200bcivil society, of Decree-Law No 489/95, repeated several times, wanted to and approved by the center-right with the votes of the League. The "logic" of the rule is not just to "help / treat illegal immigrants" (for more ethically correct way) but in particular, protecting the community as required by Article 32 of the Constitution, and the risk reporting and / or complaint contestuale alla prestazione sanitaria, creerebbe una barriera insormontabile per l’accesso e spingerebbe ad una “clandestinità sanitaria” pericolosa per l’individuo ma anche per la popolazione laddove possano esserci malattie trasmissibili. Ormai esiste una significativa documentazione sul tema, compresa la posizione della Federazione degli ordini dei medici italiani, di alcune Società scientifiche e dei Ministri della sanità europei ... che sottolineano l’indispensabilità di questa impostazione per garantire concretamente la salute per tutti (è assolutamente intuitivo come le malattie non facciano distinzione di etnia, status giuridico o colore della pelle). L’effetto della cancellazione di questo comma vanificherebbe il lavoro fatto negli ultimi 13 anni che ha prodotto importanti successi nell’ambito sanitario tra gli immigrati testimoniato ad esempio dalla riduzione dei tassi di Aids, dalla stabilizzazione di quelli relativi alla Tubercolosi, dalla riduzione degli esiti sfavorevoli negli indicatori materno infantili (basso peso alla nascita, mortalità perinatale e neonatale ...). E tutto questo con evidente effetto sul contenimento dei costi in quanto l’utilizzo tempestivo e appropriato dei servizi (quando non sia impedito da problemi di accessibilità) si dimostra non solo più efficace, ma anche più “efficiente” in termini di economia sanitaria.
La modifica al comma 4 (vedi allegato) introduce invece un rischio di discrezionalità che amplificherebbe la difficoltà di accesso facendo della “barriera economica” e dell’eventuale segnalazione (in netta contrapposizione al mandato costituzionale di “cure gratuite agli indigenti”), un possibile strumento di esclusione, forse compromettendo la stessa erogazione delle prestazioni.

Il comma 6 (vedi allegato), sembra invece soltanto un aggiustamento rispetto al mutato quadro delle competenze sanitarie a seguito del processo di devoluzione.

Riteniamo pertanto inutile e dannoso il provvedimento perchè:

spingerà all’incistamento sociale, rendendo invisibile una popolazione che sfuggirà ad ogni forma di tutela sanitaria e di contatto sociale legittimo;

potrà produrre percorsi sanitari ed organizzazioni sanitarie parallele al di fuori dei sistemi di controllo e di verifica della sanità pubblica (rischio di aborti clandestini, gravidanze non tutelate, minori non assistiti, ...);

creerà condizioni di salute particolarmente gravi poiché gli stranieri non accederanno ai servizi se non in situazioni di urgenza indifferibile;

avrà ripercussione sulla salute collettiva con il rischio di diffusione di eventuali focolai di malattie trasmissibili a causa dei ritardi negli interventi e la probabile irreperibilità dei destinatari di interventi di prevenzione;

produrrà un significativo aumento dei costi in quanto comunque le prestazioni di pronto soccorso dovranno essere garantite e le condizioni di arrivo saranno significativamente più gravi e necessiteranno di interventi più complessi e prolungati;

spingerà molti operatori ad una “obiezione di coscienza” per il primato di scelte etiche e deontologiche.

Riteniamo estremamente pericoloso il provvedimento poichè soprattutto in un momento di trasformazione sociale e di sofferenza economica, questo atto va ad intaccare il cosiddetto “capitale sociale” della società (contrasto tra italiani e stranieri, diritti negati e nascosti, radicale differenza nella vision dell’approccio professionale) che una significativa letteratura scientifica defining condition for a shift in social conflict (whose first signs are already experiencing in recent times).

As doctors and health workers rather than why we call the logic of party prevails in the light of scientific and technical evidence of established health policies, a practical and intelligent approach to public health as has been done in 1995.

The Presidential Council of the Italian Society of Medicine of Migration


>> Download the proposed amendment to the League
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A2000 Portable Aviall

Occupato Rettorato Università di Milano

Even Milan rises against the arrogance of this Government that through his brilliant minister of turn ( Gelmini) tries to impose reforms, but are passed off as something else.
E 'an attack on the entire public education system, from elementary to university. No action for the protection of temporary workers and students, no guarantee the right to education and the right to work is not precario.Questo the press of students yesterday they a spontaneous march and occupied the rector.
This morning hundreds of students from the University of Milan group have occupied the rector of the University of Milan, Via Festa del Forgiveness, by giving the Chancellor Decleva Enrico, chairman of the Crui, a six-point letter for submission to the Senate tomorrow academic.
Tomorrow, at 14.00 on a Day of Pardon the collective university will all be there before, to besiege the Senate and demand that decisions are taken to prevent the strong and precise design Mariastella Gelminator, destroyer of free education in our country.
would like to pay for the crisis to students, graduate students, researchers, teachers, professors, but we do not we! The crisis in the capital if they paid them, respond to the crisis of public universities with the University of the municipality and the minister will stay with the bag full of money still in hand.
Ours is not a battle to share the crumbs that the baronial caste tries to manage, is a battle to stop now or never, the most comprehensive training plan devastation in Italy, which came to pass in the university as a decree voted in August and not as a comprehensive reform. Today we have locked the offices
teaching for over an hour, the Chancellor Henry Decleva refused even to read our letter and was not able to take a clear position and clear against the DL Gelmini, but this summer's contest.
Then we made a procession inside the university, through corridors, cafeteria and kiosks to talk to all students raising the demonstrations this week and handing out leaflets to celebrate the first expulsion of Gelminator from Milan, as today was to attend a conference at the Pirelli Tower, but fled because of the protests.
This is only the first stage of a week full of appointments to the parade on Friday 17th October at 30.09 in Piazza Cairoli.
Collective of Political Science, a collective of cultural mediation, students of Humanities, Law and Anthropology of the University of Milan, Collective AutArt Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, students of Educational Science, Physics and Social Services Bicocca, students of Architecture of
October 13, 2008

Posted on Mar 14 / 10/2008 - 12:51

Yesterday morning hundreds of students occupied the offices of De Cleva rector of the University of Milan, following his refusal to sign the open letter proposed by hundreds of professors from various faculties' and sign a letter to the six-point proposal by the collective.
The initiative has turned into a procession inside the faculty that has passed through the corridors and classrooms of the State launching the siege of the Academic Senate of the Collective AutArt oggi.Gli students of the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, the collective of Political Science, the collective cultural mediation, the students of the State of Bicocca University and gave life to this event highlighting the theme of self and initiatives that cross the world in the next settmane University.
Yesterday, the Minister would attend a meeting in the region, which, however, decided not to report for fear of protests, frightened by the many protests in recent weeks that have led thousands of people to the streets against her and his decree that dismantles definitely public school.

today, Tuesday, 'Oct. 14 14:00 SIEGE to the Academic Senate to demand that they take the tough decisions and precise to prevent the decree-law of Mariastella Gelmini-ter.

source: Indymedia Lombardia # comment-7891

Excessive Thirst More Condition_symptoms

Solidarietà a Pietro Milazzo


Palermo October 14, 2008

Solidarity Peter Milazzo. Quaestor measure

remove a notice of hearing on September 26 the notice of Police of Palermo has a social activist and member of the CGIL, Pietro Milazzo, "to change their behavior, to adapt itself to the rule of honest and industrious life and observe the laws" .

We believe that intimidate anyone involved in the problems of this city with self-sacrifice does not guarantee public order, but rather provoke reactions of outrage. And if even those who have administrative and political responsibility in the governance of public town follow the advice of Quaestor follow the rules then we would not be in these conditions and lack of services such as absolute invivibilità had never recorded before.

The Democratic Left in Palermo, expressing firm solidarity with the union Pietro Milazzo participating town meeting to be held Wednesday, October 15th plenary council of the City of Palermo, while calls to the Mayor of Palermo to lift ' order and anti camp as his duty to solve the housing crisis and the Quaestor to withdraw the measure dealt to Peter Milazzo. The provincial coordinator

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Port Royale 2 Cd Patch

La storia di una carta...di soggiorno

A: riots < >

Fatma vive da quattro anni a Capranica, come quattro sono i figli, tra i seie i 18 anni. Lei ne ha più di trenta ed è una curda, della Turchia. E'riuscita ad avere l'unica "casa popolare", messa in palio negli ultimi anni,grazie alla vincente prole, al reddito dimostrato, al fatto che uno di loroche compie lunedì 13 anni, è affetto da un raro virus per cui è statooperato infinite volte e altrettante ne dovrà affrontare e ha ottenuto ilcertificato d'invalidità. Ha anche un marito, Bawer, rifugiato politico cheda sempre è mediatore culturale e operatore sanitario in strutture pubblichedi assistenza a Roma, dove sta sempre. Lei lavora come "donna dellepulizie", is an arrow, tall, beautiful, full of dignity and passion, now speaks Italian well almost. So he told me just yesterday lastoria of his residence permit. He discovered that he could request it epagare, once again, on a permanent basis but ... alt: how big is your home? Really can accommodate 6 people? Well: it has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen and living room, not enough vamisurata. Fatma has been Technical Bureau of the town of Capranica giàcarica of documentation necessary but not sufficient, he must go to Viterbo: measure, measure. The measure has made, lost in these waltzes, tregiornate work, rushing to take their children to school and pay lerichieste everyday stationery, cartoleria, assicurazioni scolastiche ,per l'istruzione gratuita e obbligatoria di elementari e medie inferiori etra libri e varie sono stati 700 euro, solo a settembre. Attende inoltredall'Ambasciata di Turchia, l'attestazione che è sposata.Oggi apprendo che dopo il permesso di soggiorno a punti, arriva la tassasull´immigrato. Ogni straniero dovrà infatti versare 200 euro per chiedereil rilascio e il rinnovo del permesso o avviare la pratica di cittadinanza eche la tassa va ad aggiungersi ai 70 euro di costi fissi già sborsati dailavoratori extracomunitari. Il nuovo balzello è contenuto in due emendamentileghisti al disegno di legge sulla sicurezza e servirà a finanziare un"fondo per la prevenzione dei flussi migratori" istituito presso laFarnesina.Non I have no words, but those that I wrote.

Doriana Goracci

Post Viral Fatigue More Condition_symptoms

Ordine di servizio " tutti a sentire la Germini " addicts: -tutti-a-sentire-la-Gelmini/1524688

The Pirellone to employees:
all feel the Gelmini A complaint Muhlbauer (PRC): a service order of Pirellone perinvitare employees to listen to the minister at the conference "The passion of their dye colors everything it touches" Andrea Montanari Mariastella Gelmini
The Pirellone writes invitarlilunedì morning to 150 employees to leave the office and watch the story of ministrodell ¹ construction, Mariastella Gelmini, the conference "The passion tinged deipropri colors everything it touches, "organized by ¹ Councillor regionaleciellino John Rossoni. In a letter to dipendentidell ¹ Department, the Director-General Maria Carbone," calls on all dipartecipare "to ¹ event, and 'states', for the avoidance of doubt," that presenzaè be understood, to all intents and purposes, such as work activities. "Both dasegnalare« l ¹ utility to be on site from 9am, for obvious ragioniorganizzative.
The complaint and the Regional Council of the PRC Communist LucianoMuhlbauer, which asked the governor Roberto Formigoni and all ¹ assessoreRossoni of ¹ immediately revoke the order of service. "It is incredible that laRegione ask employees to leave the office to act as a claque aun minister during business hours ¹ \u0026lt;explains Muhlbauer \u0026lt;Hard to imagine, however, so that workers enlisted dare contestareMariastella Gelmini. Mica are there by choice, participate in the ¹ haordinato because the principal. However, those who have decided to trasformarea taxpayer expense of workers and civil servants in a claquee thus interrupting a public service, are in complete lawlessness. Cosec evoke other times and places. "
The region does not deny, but points out in a note theDirectorate that participation in the conference - which will also take ilministro of Cultural Heritage, Sandro Bondi - is "A ¹ opportunities, freedom, the fastest-growing professional, but conscription. A call for a time warp, not a service order. Perhaps the director is Muhlbauer Beneche the bar remains the official to perform his duties and that's it, comepura workforce? We like having the ability rather than dicoinvolgersi as the protagonist of his own work. " The order of

Pirellone, however, does not even like to base unions, who are calling for the mobilization of networks and movements and we will announce chelunedì too. To the cry: "Gelmini a Milano, obbligatorioapplaudirla? No, but let us accept the invitation to participate than to shout basta.Ritiri indecent his plan of devastation public school or sidimetta. "(08 October 2008)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Icbc Motorcycle Auction

With open arms I ask

shrugged. You decide whether to yield or to hug everyone. The widen so much that they are parallel to the ground and the horizon, perpendicular to the stars and the sun. What is rest for the birds and shadow cones for insects. Widen the while I smile, because I just have nothing else to do. There are those who wins, who loses and who simply left speechless. In my arms stretched out is this: the triumph of dignity, loss of fair and equitable, the silence of surrender. The enlargement because la mia ombra sia memoria di chi così è stato crocifisso, perché è il segnale di abbandono totale. A chi o a che cosa ancora non mi è chiaro. Non ho ancora ben presente se mi abbandono a qualcosa o da qualcosa, se le mie braccia assomiglino più a rami secchi o ali di uccello. Resto così in attesa di scoprirlo. E, se volete, in silenzio, venite a farmi compagnia.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Blunt Power Wholesale

Le novità su

October 2, 2008 -

MicroMega interview Scarpinato
View video presentation of "The Return of the prince" in Rome (September 23, 2008), Saverio Lodato, Roberto Scarpinato, Paolo Flores d'Arcais, Andrea purgatory, Paul Rich and Marco Travaglio.

Vicenza, The blow to democracy State Council rejects referendum on U.S. military base. But the city does not give up: Sunday's vote will, self-managed.

's comments: Gino Strada Who is imposing war betrays the Constitution

ACHILLE CHANGED Violent oppression of deaf and was a far

Gianfranco Bettin An act profoundly undemocratic

LISA CLARK State Council, executive arm

Marco Revelli A coup administrative

VIDEO Thousands march in after the ruling

Veltroni: Berlusconi Putin
Words, words, words ... Paolo Flores d'Arcais Asor Worst of fascism / Carnivals: W Violante mate! / Giulietti: Democracy privatized / Don Farinella: Tactics unnecessary / Cornaglia: The early bird catches the caimans

Press freedom
Two raids in eight days. Criminal? No, journalist "It 's something that is unprecedented in the history of journalism." Talk Gianluca Di Feo, editor of L'Express, author of the two investigations Emiliano Fittipaldi on the affairs of the Camorra, which led to the search of the newspaper.

The end of democracy of opinion
Don Antonio SciortinoIl director of Christian Family reiterates concerns about the risk of slipping toward oligarchic and authoritarian forms of government.

The right to dissent in the Church
roots communities to respond ' intervention of Don Antonio Sciortino MicroMega on: "The progressive Catholicism can not cry hard words against the authoritarianism of the policy but is silent against' authoritarianism of the church structure and the totalitarian rule of the sacred. "

MicroMega Cara - Letters to the Editor
The lies of the minister Gelmini
errors and hypocrisy on prostitution