October 2, 2008 -
MicroMega interview Scarpinato
View video presentation of "The Return of the prince" in Rome (September 23, 2008), Saverio Lodato, Roberto Scarpinato, Paolo Flores d'Arcais, Andrea purgatory, Paul Rich and Marco Travaglio.
Vicenza, The blow to democracy State Council rejects referendum on U.S. military base. But the city does not give up: Sunday's vote will, self-managed.
's comments: Gino Strada Who is imposing war betrays the Constitution
ACHILLE CHANGED Violent oppression of deaf and was a far
Gianfranco Bettin An act profoundly undemocratic
LISA CLARK State Council, executive arm
Marco Revelli A coup administrative
VIDEO Thousands march in after the ruling
Veltroni: Berlusconi Putin
Words, words, words ... Paolo Flores d'Arcais Asor Worst of fascism / Carnivals: W Violante mate! / Giulietti: Democracy privatized / Don Farinella: Tactics unnecessary / Cornaglia: The early bird catches the caimans
Press freedom
Two raids in eight days. Criminal? No, journalist "It 's something that is unprecedented in the history of journalism." Talk Gianluca Di Feo, editor of L'Express, author of the two investigations Emiliano Fittipaldi on the affairs of the Camorra, which led to the search of the newspaper.
The end of democracy of opinion
Don Antonio SciortinoIl director of Christian Family reiterates concerns about the risk of slipping toward oligarchic and authoritarian forms of government.
The right to dissent in the Church
roots communities to respond ' intervention of Don Antonio Sciortino MicroMega on: "The progressive Catholicism can not cry hard words against the authoritarianism of the policy but is silent against' authoritarianism of the church structure and the totalitarian rule of the sacred. "
MicroMega Cara - Letters to the Editor
The lies of the minister Gelmini
errors and hypocrisy on prostitution
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