Sunday, October 12, 2008

Post Viral Fatigue More Condition_symptoms

Ordine di servizio " tutti a sentire la Germini " addicts: -tutti-a-sentire-la-Gelmini/1524688

The Pirellone to employees:
all feel the Gelmini A complaint Muhlbauer (PRC): a service order of Pirellone perinvitare employees to listen to the minister at the conference "The passion of their dye colors everything it touches" Andrea Montanari Mariastella Gelmini
The Pirellone writes invitarlilunedì morning to 150 employees to leave the office and watch the story of ministrodell ¹ construction, Mariastella Gelmini, the conference "The passion tinged deipropri colors everything it touches, "organized by ¹ Councillor regionaleciellino John Rossoni. In a letter to dipendentidell ¹ Department, the Director-General Maria Carbone," calls on all dipartecipare "to ¹ event, and 'states', for the avoidance of doubt," that presenzaè be understood, to all intents and purposes, such as work activities. "Both dasegnalare« l ¹ utility to be on site from 9am, for obvious ragioniorganizzative.
The complaint and the Regional Council of the PRC Communist LucianoMuhlbauer, which asked the governor Roberto Formigoni and all ¹ assessoreRossoni of ¹ immediately revoke the order of service. "It is incredible that laRegione ask employees to leave the office to act as a claque aun minister during business hours ¹ \u0026lt;explains Muhlbauer \u0026lt;Hard to imagine, however, so that workers enlisted dare contestareMariastella Gelmini. Mica are there by choice, participate in the ¹ haordinato because the principal. However, those who have decided to trasformarea taxpayer expense of workers and civil servants in a claquee thus interrupting a public service, are in complete lawlessness. Cosec evoke other times and places. "
The region does not deny, but points out in a note theDirectorate that participation in the conference - which will also take ilministro of Cultural Heritage, Sandro Bondi - is "A ¹ opportunities, freedom, the fastest-growing professional, but conscription. A call for a time warp, not a service order. Perhaps the director is Muhlbauer Beneche the bar remains the official to perform his duties and that's it, comepura workforce? We like having the ability rather than dicoinvolgersi as the protagonist of his own work. " The order of

Pirellone, however, does not even like to base unions, who are calling for the mobilization of networks and movements and we will announce chelunedì too. To the cry: "Gelmini a Milano, obbligatorioapplaudirla? No, but let us accept the invitation to participate than to shout basta.Ritiri indecent his plan of devastation public school or sidimetta. "(08 October 2008)


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