| Domenica 13 marzo, presso il Circolo anarchico Camillo Berneri, Piazza di Porta S. Stefano 1, Bologna, si terrà una giornata di riflessione sull’antifascismo anarchico e libertario per ragionare insieme su declinazioni, percorsi, prospettive di un antifascismo che rifiuti a un tempo le logiche of state authority, the powers of discrimination and exploitation. "Already the hour approaches the most just war" Anarchist Anti-fascism 1921-2011 Study Day The day aims to give an account of various researches on the anarchist movement and its contribution to anti-covering a wide span and reaching until today. The study and understanding of certain historical dynamics of the past so will the possibility of self-training, beyond and outside of an institution, the university, more and more to pieces and enslaved to the logic of power and the market. Students, workers and workers, insecure and precarious socialize the results of their research with the aim of offering new information and interpretation of the past interpretations of this if not a totalitarian definitely oppressive. Start work at 10:30 - The April 25th is an anniversary, now and always resistance! Against all fascism George Node Social Antifascist - The Arditi del Popolo 1921-1922: the first armed opposition to fascism Andrea Staid , author of The Arditi del Popolo , Circle of evildoers Milan - Il fuoriuscitismo: l’esilio degli antifascisti nella Francia negli anni Venti Toni , redazione locale di Umanità Nova , settimanale anarchico - La Resistenza sconosciuta: gli anarchici nella lotta di liberazione Marabbo , archivio popolare Antonio Rubbi, Medicina - and post-war reconstruction: anti-fascism in Bologna Dawit S. , ANPI Savena - Among the strategy of tension and militant anti-fascism: the '70s and the case Marini James F. , Circle Berneri - The incomparable antifascism Rudy Leonelli, Knot Social Antifascist , implications Following aperitif libertarian [ sponsored by the Social Node Antifascist ] |
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Dennis Milani Wallpaper
"Already the hour approaches the most just war" - Study Day - March 13 [BO]
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