Thursday, November 6, 2008


Update on Committee Rozzano

Hello everyone,
you updated on the meeting of the Committee for the Defence of the public school Rozzano held last Nov. 5. Of course additions are welcome and details of who was present yesterday. It also asks to have this guide for teachers and parents who do not have the mail and not on the mailing list.
1. On November 4, the briefing was done by the head teacher at the school in Via Foscolo's Circle III. To listen to the dire predictions of principal there were 54 parents and 7 teachers. Many parents have asked what they can do in practice to avoid that next year will disappear the whole time. Were informed of the Committee, also highlighted the idea to write a sort of open letter as to have to press they are working with both teachers and parents. Tuesday, 11/11 did a similar meeting will be at the school in Via Mincio always Circle III.
2. The head teacher of The Circle will convene by the end of the month a public meeting addressing the parents of the school to explain what are the effects of the reform and how the school can meet them, reiterating that the primary school as we know it today will disappear. On that occasion we will distribute our flyer. This meeting will be preceded by a College faculty that provides for the approval of a motion to criticism and rejection of the reform. It is also considering the possibility meetings to promote new class to achieve widespread all parents.
3. Monday, 10/11 from 20.00 is called a Municipal Council which has as its first item on the agenda a motion to ask City Council to speak against the Gelmini reform.
In this regard, the Committee decided that it will be appropriate to formally ask the City Council to take a clear position against the reform is not arguing that the cuts can be downloaded from the Ministry of Education, local authorities and declared his unwillingness to meet at requests from families at the extension of the afternoon at school. Compared to the City Council Monday, 10, given the tight deadlines, we do not have an official position and that is why those of us who can, will assist the Council and then report back. But above all we want to avoid that our group is exploited by one side or the other. We were born to oppose reform but we will not take political positions and do not want the citizens, parents, label it as we lined up on one side, because that would be detrimental to our action and the ability to inform and raise awareness of the damage of the reform .
4. The Third Circle, at the Christmas party scheduled for the morning of Saturday, December 13, will use that opportunity to make information-based activities with parents and raising awareness. It is considering whether to create such a thing in the schools of The Circle, is possibly the same day (it's to verify the possibility of opening the school of orchids for that date) and during the Christmas holidays of the various complexes. This event should be an intermediate stage in December, after the phase of information and meetings of the joint initiative on hold at the city level that we assumed in January.
5. Yesterday there was also the meeting of the committees of Milan and showed the possibility of convening an event in Milan on Saturday, 11.29. If he is confirmed we will have to decide how to participate. It also promotes the idea to pass motions critics in the various colleges and teachers councils / institute.
6. E 'showed the need to involve parents and teachers from other schools Rozzano: Circle II, Monte Amiata Comprehensive School, Middle School Luini-Falcone, absent yesterday. You make contact in this regard. It also calls on all people who receive this message, and belonging to those schools to attend the next meeting and to promote similar initiatives in their schools.
7. Materials. It is necessary to produce a leaflet, but also clear about precisely what the negative consequences of approval of the reform. This flyer will then be distributed to various public occasions. It is also believed to establish a text, as I said before, in the form of an open letter, as to get to the press and the town administration.
8. It was finally decided to meet again for the next meeting Friday, November 21 at 21:00 at the headquarters of the Collective always Squad White Carnations on a 21 Rozzano.
I remind you that anyone can add text, comments and contributions on the blog:


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