Monday, November 3, 2008

Goiter Causes More Condition_symptoms

Michele Corsi
The government signed into law the decree 137. This was done at great speed, as is happening to all measures affecting schools and universities. It has rightly been condemned quest'arroganza, but we focused on the why: because coerce time, place confidence, prevent debates? For contempt of Rooms? But if you have an overwhelming majority! The answer seems simple: prolonged parliamentary debates would facilitate the movement of information between parents and teachers, and thus would increase their response capacity. They have miscalculated? I would say yes.
Movement, this movement does not cease to grow. I do not think that our leaders, and even the opposition, really make account di quel che sta accadendo nel Paese. È un movimento dal basso, molecolare, incontrollato che sta prendendo forma dall’inizio di settembre, anche se della sua esistenza i media si sono accorti solo ora. Le sue molecole sono i comitati misti genitori-insegnanti delle elementari e delle scuole d’infanzia. Solo nel milanese ne sorgono di nuovi quotidianamente. Il governo dice che sono manovrati dalla sinistra. Magari, qualcuno di noi potrebbe dire. E invece è proprio la scomparsa della sinistra e di una credibile e combattiva opposizione che ha fatto comprendere a tutti che per salvare la scuola si doveva far da sé, senza delegare.
Il governo spera che, grazie alla velocità d’azione, questa massa di gente tornerà a casa. Di Again, you are mistaken. Stages forced Berlusconi have increased taxes from the anger and indignation of the movement. The frustration is not being transformed in the sense of helplessness and depression, because in these weeks we have experienced our strength. Without help from anyone we have imposed on the media and the urgency of the entire public school and university.
is a force that derives from the determination, imagination, but also by a simple factor, that scared me forever, forever, any government in power: the power of numbers. We are many. And the more the movement is branching up from the big cities and small community, the more these people become numbers. Ed è l’unico fattore in grado di fermare chi ci governa. Berlusconi può ignorare il movimento, ma non i sondaggi che per la prima volta lo danno in calo, e proprio grazie alla scuola. E tra un po’ ci saranno le amministrative… La Gelmini ha dato per persi gli insegnanti, altrimenti non direbbe tali e tante castronerie, nessuno può permettersi però di dar per persi i genitori. Il popolo della scuola è una valanga di lavoratori del settore, ma anche, e ancor di più: papà, mamme, nonni, studenti…
Qualcuno in qualche stanza sta cercando di mettere in pratica le parole che per l’età Cossiga dice ora a ruota libera, dopo averle nascoste per anni. Non ero molto cresciuto all’epoca, but I remember when the then interior minister called for national unity because the "students criminals" devastated Italy. We always suspected, but now he says: it was tactical, and quite a few 'of the windows have broken his agents. I really think that not tempt the same game? Of fools of us willing to play his game frankly I see little. I see rather a lot of ingenuity. As students who imagined that Rome was indeed possible to manifest along with those of the extreme right.
We must now only count on the number. Expanded, because the movement has not reached its full potential, not all universities have moved, teachers and high school averages are at a standstill, many common small and medium-sized cities must be met, the informational meetings with parents we still need to organize in one place ... We are millions, because these are the numbers of school and ' public university, and we must ask ourselves in a position to "be" the millions.
Some imagine that now come home. And here perhaps is not a communication effort on the part of the movement. It is therefore necessary to reiterate some of the concepts. What was approved was a bill that is only a piece of all legislative adjustments that will be voted to pass the cuts, cuts that were passed on 6 August with the art. 64 of Law No 133. Still need to get out the laws regarding middle and high schools, universities and kindergartens, have yet to leave their implementing regulations, as do the measures set out include other passages 137 before being applied.
Besides the cuts will be diluted over three long years. The eight billion in cuts to the school are thoroughly settled in the budget law, which must be voted yet. We have before us many months of resistance in schools and universities. It will be tough? Yeah sure, but Let's see even from their point of view: a mobilization that will not cease and that until the time of enrollment, and then training of staff, challenging punto per punto, anno dopo anno…

Non è la prima volta che una legge è approvata e i suoi contenuti non applicati. Ne sa qualcosa Fioroni, che pure lui avrebbe voluto tanto tagliare… (sì, meno della Gelmini, ma la differenza tra loro, dunque, è di quantità?). Occorre però attrezzarsi a questa lotta: consolidando le strutture di movimento, mettendole in collegamento tra loro, praticando l’unità dal basso, inventando forme di lotta prolungate e sostenibili…
Sento molto parlare in queste ore di referendum. È un errore. Significa mettere in piedi una macchina che assorbe una quantità enorme di energie per esiti per di più incerti, e in un momento in cui The fight has just begun. This may be considered, certainly, but not before having traveled all the way any possibility of mobilization in schools, universities, roads . Meanwhile, the institutional opposition forces could make a very nice thing: to adapt their programs and their proposals. The PD is still the idea of \u200b\u200bcutting the public school, but 8 not 6 billion, for example? The proposed referendum, however, shows that at least one small step they did: the demand of withdrawal of the 137, because until a week ago were not on this line. Well, now we ask for another small step: the demand for repeal of the 133 articles relating to schools and universities. Yes, because even if you were a referendum on the 137, would be the 133, or cuts. And the debate would be: the cuts are, in elementary we implement them, and then who do outside?
The strike of 30 clearly showed the way forward. Of course, we do not strike a lot, but we know to be creative in finding new forms of struggle. It was a strike called by unions majority, but that the whole movement has seized. It was a strike with unprecedented amplitude events. Berlusconi had hoped, the day before approving the bill, compared to the discouraging participation. The success of this day they showed beyond doubt that continua a sbagliare valutazione: siamo solo all’inizio.
La contemporaneità della crisi economica e dei tagli a scuola e università costituisce una sorta di metafora. I governi di tutto il mondo, dopo averci per vent’anni catechizzato sulle virtù del mercato lasciato libero dall’intervento statale, i soldi (statali) per le banche li hanno trovati subito. E, nello stesso identico momento, tolgono soldi all’istruzione, in Italia, ma anche in Francia: i soldi, che poi sono i nostri soldi, scorrono e vanno da qua a là, dalle nostre aule ai loro conti. La manifestazione autorganizzata del milanese il 30 è stata aperta da uno striscione retto simbolicamente da tutti i soggetti sociali coinvolti nella lotta: teachers, university average. It read: "School and university will not pay for your crisis."


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