Monday, November 24, 2008

Opti Sailboat For Sale

Update after the meeting on Nov. 21 Saturday, 11/29/2008

After the meeting Friday, November 21 (with a participation at least 30 people!) will briefly summarize the topics discussed.
1. The Circle III confirms the initiative in the party di Natale per sabato 13 dicembre in mattinata.
Nell’occasione verranno distribuiti i volantini informativi e raccolte le firme per la lettera aperta che i genitori e gli insegnanti intendono mandare alle autorità locali, agli uffici provinciali del Ministero della pubblica amministrazione, agli organi di stampa. Il testo della lettera, ci verrà fatto avere quanto prima in modo da utilizzarlo anche nelle altre scuole. Sempre nell’iniziativa del 13 pensavano anche di invitare un esperto (pedagogista) per dare un ulteriore contributo di riflessione ai genitori presenti.
Chiediamo ai genitori e agli insegnanti del III Circolo di farci sapere quanto prima chi hanno invitato in modo che chi è interessato possa parteciparvi.
2. Il I Club is planning two meetings for parents in the two complexes of deer and orchids. To date, however, do not yet know the dates. On those occasions will be appropriate to distribute the leaflet that we have prepared and which I have already sent.
The indication here is that during the Christmas school holidays, such as those in Bucks 11 and 12 December, parents and teachers to organize themselves, with an information, to distribute flyers and raise awareness among other parents.
3. The Second Circle is planning a meeting for parents organized information directly from the executive Fabbri. Just know the dates we will let you know. Even in this case would be appropriate for parents and teachers of the Second Circle distribute the leaflets.
4. We have no news media and the Comprehensive Luini Monte Amiata.
5. Saturday, November 29, as already mentioned, there is a demonstration in Milan. As already said we invite all to copy and distribute leaflets in schools to inform as many people as possible. The meeting point for schools in Rozzano is at 14.15 in front of the music store "Mariposa" Porta Romana.
6. We were informed this evening (Monday, 24/11) from 20-20.30 hours will be challenged in the City Council two agendas, one for and one against the Gelmini Law, but we have not read. Some of us have said that will assist City Council, bringing the leaflets.
7. We then decided that Saturday, December 13 we will make a flyer to the market town of Leaf Square, I propose to set the time as 11:30. E 'need to know who will.
8. We thought that the citizens 'initiative will be a candlelight vigil for hours to be Friday,' Jan. 16, 2009, time to be determined. Compared to this it must be ascertained: the permissions and path, how to advertise the initiative and how to retrieve the "torches."
9. The next Committee meeting is scheduled for Friday, December 19 at the Maison des Associations always being Carnations 21.


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