Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Homemade Mattress Cleaner

MIUR Hon Minister Maria Stella Gelmini

MIUR Hon Secretary Joseph PIZZA
Palazzo Chigi - Piazza Colonna, 370 00187 ROMA

Directorate General for the National System of Education and school autonomy

ca CEO Dr. Mario Giacomo Dutto
Office Manager II Dr. Antonio Lobello
Viale Trastevere, 76 / A 00153 ROMA

President COMMISSION VII Chamber of Deputies
Hon Dr Valentina Aprea
Montecitorio Palace - Piazza di Montecitorio, 1
00100 ROME

USR Lombardy
Director-General Dr. Anna Maria DOMINICI
Via Ripamonti, 89 20141 MILANO

Dear Minister
Having read the law 169/08, we would like to highlight them, as parents and teachers in schools Rozzano, the deep concern for the consequences arising from decisions taken in relation to educational reform. In schools that

's get to know the school population has increased considerably in a few years.

We therefore had first hand all the hardships resulting from the need to combine resources insufficient demand for school time for families, quality of teaching.

We are concerned, in Specifically, the idea that an institution strategically for the future of the country as the Public School, will be remodeled in only a few weeks starting on the grounds of a financial nature, without any public debate or study with the world of school (in France For example, the debate on school reform has involved two million people).

Just to mention the main impacts of measures under consideration:

- With the single teacher is likely to erase twenty years of experience of team teaching, as certified to the OECD, has brought our school and primary at the top of international rankings
- With 24 hours settimanali, scuole dell’infanzia e scuola primaria copriranno a malapena il mattino. In un territorio come il nostro dove la domanda delle famiglie è orientata quasi esclusivamente sul tempo pieno chi garantirà la copertura pomeridiana ? Non sarà più scuola ma dopo-scuola ? Non sarà più in carico allo Stato ma affidato agli enti locali e cooperative ? Non sarà più gratuito ma graverà sul bilancio delle famiglie ?
- Con un unico docente sarà praticamente impossibile organizzare attività di compresenza per gestire piccoli gruppi, lavorare sul potenziamento, il recupero e l’integrazione. Né organizzare attività esterne, visite, gite che, per ovvie ragioni di sicurezza, richiedono che The class is conducted by a sole teacher
- The removal of 11,200 specialists in elementary English is in contradiction with the need expressed repeatedly to enhance the learning of foreign languages.
- The cut of 87,400 teachers in chairs of three years, in addition to serious consequences for thousands of temporary workers who until now have ensured the operation of schools, will clear the de facto right to guarantee and increase the full-time, never mentioned to another 'interior of the new law.
- The cut of 44,500 jobs administrative staff is likely to paralyze schools already in great difficulty to manage, understaffed, auxiliary functions in continuous expansion.

All in classes, always with the goal of cost savings, will bump up the maximum number of pupils in kindergarten to 29 and 30 in the other educational levels.

The school's only teacher was a school fell in a very different context from today's. The school now and wants to deal with the integration of foreign students and children with disabilities. With bullying and social disadvantage. By teaching English, music, computer science, physical education, road environment. With a domestic demand that can not disregard the offer of full-time on kindergarten and elementary. With our desire to ensure a quality school for all.
This can be done in a different and better than the present.
It is unlikely you can do with fewer hours, fewer staff, fewer resources and more students per class.

Rozzano, December 2008 Parents and teachers signed

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Escola De Direito Online

'The main problem is the layoffs. The protest continues "

Alessandro Braga, poster, 12.12.2008

Mario Piemontese, of
ReteScuole not trust the reverse of the alleged government on education reform. "Until I deleted the article about the cuts to the school, which is the fundamental reform - he says - I can not be satisfied. " And also why, today will be in the square next to the workers for a general strike.

seems that the single teacher is skipped. It may be a first win? And if so, is it enough?
Not to sound pessimistic as usual, but I can not see the government in announcing a victory. Meanwhile, only because the teacher had been optional. The fundamental issue is the cuts, and I think that is not put into question the fact that 30 thousand teachers in over three years will be "expelled from school. So I do not see where is the victory. Even in middle school numbers are the same, and again the government has not said anything, confirming the same cuts already provided previously. The rest had gone from here, from the cuts. Changing the school and the inclusion of single teacher had arrived at a later time. The situation remains very worrying. Until I deleted the article about the cuts in the school, I can not speak of victory in any case. If anything, Pyrrhic victory.

least full-time safety. And then there will not be raising the maximum number of pupils per class.
The problem of full-time are copresences. Today, two teachers work 22 hours each, for a total of 44 hours. Children are in class 40 hours. Within hours there is the possibility of coexistence to separate groups, working better with the children in order to facilitate the recovery and the inclusion of difficult cases. With the reform, no one knows what will happen, and this will definitely damage to the Italian education system. The largest number of pupils per class, I must say that this was a choice that was made to save money. Now, since in any case have to economize, do not understand what they want to do.

for high school reform is postponed for a year made. This is a victory?
Again, I do not see anything negative, I can not, however, to rejoice. And the reason is always the same, that the cuts. What will they do? Or make them equally even if they delayed the reform or dump them in other areas, such as primary, where it becomes easier to do it. If in the archipelago of more than difficult to understand where and who to cut, in elementary school is much simpler: two masters go to one, and that's it.

So, why are all the streets today.
course. The strike remains open because the reasons for doing so remain. I do not know if the outputs of the government have been a way to defuse the protest, but the fundamental issue remains, and that there are 132mila school workers who risk losing their jobs. Added to this is a protest against the school model that is being proposed and that, in our opinion, does not work. So we in piazza certamente, e speriamo di essere in tanti.

Lo sciopero di oggi è il momento conclusivo o solo un passo della vostra protesta?
Si continua. La prossima battaglia sarà al momento dell'apertura delle iscrizioni per il nuovo anno. E poi si vedrà.

Questo è il testo del verbale dell’incontro tra Ministro e sindacati.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Metal Cores Scooter Wheels Uk

Buongiorno a tutti,
dopo la manifestazione di sabato, ignorata dai mezzi di comunicazione ma che
ha visto la presenza di almeno 30.000 (!) persone, vi aggiorno sui prossimi
1. Domani venerdì 5 dicembre dalle 20 alle 21 la dirigente del II Circolo
incontrerà i genitori dei bambini che l'anno prossimo
inizieranno la scuola primaria, presso la sede scolastica di via Garofani.
2. Il medesimo appuntamento è fissato dalla dirigente del I Circolo
giovedì 11 dicembre alle ore 17.00 presso la sede di via Orchidee (quindi
incontro con i genitori dei bambini di 5 anni).
3. Sabato 13 in mattina c'è l'iniziativa di scuola aperta del III Circolo,
attendiamo notizie su eventuali inviti di esperti (così come la lettera
4. Sempre sabato 13 dalle 9.30 alle 11, la scuola materna di Lillà organizza
l'iniziativa di Natale rivolta ai genitori presso la Cascina Grande, in
occasion will be distributed the leaflets to parents,
if anyone wants to help is welcome.
4. Also on Saturday 13 leaflets will also be provided to the market town of
Leaf Square, at this point we do for 11:45 to 12:00.
should be the teachers of The Club helped with the photocopies. E '
also need to know who is.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Foot Spurs More Condition_symptoms

Casting the shadow of mediocrity

not respect you. Not that this will cause the least disturbance to you, I realize. But there is no respect. Once yes, once I tried to understand your way of being, behaving, talking. Not now. Now I look and see what, at your age, you never want to become. It was a blessing that will be encountered: the other scum scum deserves. I naively that I made use, I have helped increase not only in precarious work, but also in life. The truth is that people like you will never happen at all. You will have your good job, esteem and praise of those who count and continue to demonstrate against and felt sorry for the suffering of others. And if these sufferings have been caused by you, it hardly matters: conscience and dignity are essential, if lacking a certain will not come to the rescue the other. I lose. You have won. Not content to get over it. Obliquely threatened me, talk bad about me behind my back, try to intimidate me trampling my pride, caused me and treat me like a fool. How funny! Who so prides itself on not being afraid should not have a poor precarious speaking lawyers and newspapers. Are you afraid that it can move your beautiful system? That could in any way disturb your sleep happy? Come on! I do not counts for nothing! I was putting the door, you are a closed circle, how could I put myself in the middle? You have carefully chosen your most loyal dogs I do not know if I make them worth more or you. They dominated the gossip and you piacceria and greed and power. Well, maybe your feelings are, in some way higher. Greed least enlightening gossip atrophies. We'll meet again, sooner or later. Because maybe it is true that the world will turn increasingly to your advantage and the idealists like me are just cannon fodder, but it is also true that compliance can not be bought. And now that you're on my heart and my dignity, mash well, calpestateli how you are doing. But please, Pulitano your shoes when you go away I do not want to remain even a shadow of your mediocrity.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sample Of Church Anniversary Ads

forthcoming exhibition in Milan on November 29

Call it saving the Constitution of the School of Destruction

Saturday, November 29, 2008 MILAN

demonstration in defense
Public School

14.30: three concentrations

schools and those of the common area of \u200b\u200bthe east

area schools and those of municipalities in the area SOUTH

Piazzale Baracca
schools and those of the common area of \u200b\u200bthe north and west

the flyer here

Opti Sailboat For Sale

Update after the meeting on Nov. 21 Saturday, 11/29/2008

After the meeting Friday, November 21 (with a participation at least 30 people!) will briefly summarize the topics discussed.
1. The Circle III confirms the initiative in the party di Natale per sabato 13 dicembre in mattinata.
Nell’occasione verranno distribuiti i volantini informativi e raccolte le firme per la lettera aperta che i genitori e gli insegnanti intendono mandare alle autorità locali, agli uffici provinciali del Ministero della pubblica amministrazione, agli organi di stampa. Il testo della lettera, ci verrà fatto avere quanto prima in modo da utilizzarlo anche nelle altre scuole. Sempre nell’iniziativa del 13 pensavano anche di invitare un esperto (pedagogista) per dare un ulteriore contributo di riflessione ai genitori presenti.
Chiediamo ai genitori e agli insegnanti del III Circolo di farci sapere quanto prima chi hanno invitato in modo che chi è interessato possa parteciparvi.
2. Il I Club is planning two meetings for parents in the two complexes of deer and orchids. To date, however, do not yet know the dates. On those occasions will be appropriate to distribute the leaflet that we have prepared and which I have already sent.
The indication here is that during the Christmas school holidays, such as those in Bucks 11 and 12 December, parents and teachers to organize themselves, with an information, to distribute flyers and raise awareness among other parents.
3. The Second Circle is planning a meeting for parents organized information directly from the executive Fabbri. Just know the dates we will let you know. Even in this case would be appropriate for parents and teachers of the Second Circle distribute the leaflets.
4. We have no news media and the Comprehensive Luini Monte Amiata.
5. Saturday, November 29, as already mentioned, there is a demonstration in Milan. As already said we invite all to copy and distribute leaflets in schools to inform as many people as possible. The meeting point for schools in Rozzano is at 14.15 in front of the music store "Mariposa" Porta Romana.
6. We were informed this evening (Monday, 24/11) from 20-20.30 hours will be challenged in the City Council two agendas, one for and one against the Gelmini Law, but we have not read. Some of us have said that will assist City Council, bringing the leaflets.
7. We then decided that Saturday, December 13 we will make a flyer to the market town of Leaf Square, I propose to set the time as 11:30. E 'need to know who will.
8. We thought that the citizens 'initiative will be a candlelight vigil for hours to be Friday,' Jan. 16, 2009, time to be determined. Compared to this it must be ascertained: the permissions and path, how to advertise the initiative and how to retrieve the "torches."
9. The next Committee meeting is scheduled for Friday, December 19 at the Maison des Associations always being Carnations 21.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Stomach Viruses More Condition_symptoms


Coordination of Rome and its "NOT RUBATECI the future" and the Assembly of the schools of Milan announce, each in their own city, a demonstration in defense of the entire public school from childhood to university FOR Saturday, November 29, 2008 .
We chose a Saturday to enhance the participation of parents and citizens of the villages have not had the opportunity to express their dissent during the industrial action category of 17 and 30 October.
We encourage all committees to generalize this date in their own reality that he may become a local event in contemporary country.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Vegetable/fruit Center Pieces

How much havoc in the name of meritocracy

Le parole sono cavalli. Si cavalcano. Prendiamo la parola me-ri-to-cra-zia. A destra e a sinistra, quando si parla di pubblico impiego, oggi, in Italia, non c'è parola più alla moda. Ogni politico italiano se ne riempie la bocca. Pietà, non ne possiamo più.
Anche quando si parla di scuola. Per me è un evidente riflesso condizionato di un'impostazione di società e di scuola tipicamente economicista: lo Stato- Azienda, la Scuola-Azienda. In questo Berlusconi ha fatto scuola. La formulazione è lapalissiana: dare più soldi e prestigio a chi lavora meglio, darne meno a chi lavora peggio. Crea consenso. Perché non c'è persona che io conosca che pensi di essere tra quelli che lavorano meno o peggio. Quando poi si inizia a indagare su cosa sia il meglio o il peggio, soprattutto nella scuola, le cose si complicano.
Prendiamo i docenti. Don Milani, Loris Malaguzzi o Gianni Rodari, oggi, sarebbero considerati meritevoli? O, piuttosto, facinorosi? Il dibattito è aperto. Simile discorso vale tra gli studenti. Per dare merito ai meritevoli, occorre avere idee chiare sul merito. Nella nostra scuola obbligatoria le idee non sono certo clear, if the politicians in 20 years have forced a dozen times to change the way teachers assessing their students. Therefore, it is worth the pupil more obedient or as ordered? The more specific? The most creative? What I studied more? Or the one that gets easier with the results? Or the more disciplined?
I say mine: the assessment is so delicate and complex issue, particularly among children and in the process of learning, apply the dark of the meritocracy on the head of a child may often make a preliminary assessment of the pupil and his family even before it gets in full swing at school. I'm not saying that the assessment should not be done, but it's something that is in progress. And you put all the emphasis on his supposed objectivity pigeonholed, at six or seven years, in the cage and in the silence of a numerical rating and not a trial and open discourse, it seems to me not only exaggerated but wrong.
Why do not develop self-assessment process? Impossible. At least judging from the test driving Invalsi, the National Institute of Assessment, that teachers are forced to 'give' to their students annually. More or less in the dark by their parents. More functional tests to pollsters and children. It is no coincidence that the same does not take into account Invalsi test results of children with disabilities not to damage the media. For example, my current fifth grade are organized by groups of schoolchildren in five years and proceed in education through the collaborative method. In addition to achieving results, it estimates how much and how children can work well together. As they speak in turn, listening. How much and how you compare and share their own choices.
For example, if a team finishes first job, but within that group there are disputes, we do not work together, maybe someone crying, someone else wants to leave the group does not give the word to everyone, there is always someone who always wants control, etc., the evaluation certainly can not be good. This way of assessing the ministerial pollsters, politicians, ministers, managers Invalsi, something interesting? And the actual quality of the school? Who can understand that our children and our children are not just numbers, costs and problems today is that so hard? Possible that the right to study and removal of barriers that restrict equal opportunities are now considered an almost unbearable burden rather than an asset and an investment in their future and the future of the country we live in?

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Update on Committee Rozzano

Hello everyone,
you updated on the meeting of the Committee for the Defence of the public school Rozzano held last Nov. 5. Of course additions are welcome and details of who was present yesterday. It also asks to have this guide for teachers and parents who do not have the mail and not on the mailing list.
1. On November 4, the briefing was done by the head teacher at the school in Via Foscolo's Circle III. To listen to the dire predictions of principal there were 54 parents and 7 teachers. Many parents have asked what they can do in practice to avoid that next year will disappear the whole time. Were informed of the Committee, also highlighted the idea to write a sort of open letter as to have to press they are working with both teachers and parents. Tuesday, 11/11 did a similar meeting will be at the school in Via Mincio always Circle III.
2. The head teacher of The Circle will convene by the end of the month a public meeting addressing the parents of the school to explain what are the effects of the reform and how the school can meet them, reiterating that the primary school as we know it today will disappear. On that occasion we will distribute our flyer. This meeting will be preceded by a College faculty that provides for the approval of a motion to criticism and rejection of the reform. It is also considering the possibility meetings to promote new class to achieve widespread all parents.
3. Monday, 10/11 from 20.00 is called a Municipal Council which has as its first item on the agenda a motion to ask City Council to speak against the Gelmini reform.
In this regard, the Committee decided that it will be appropriate to formally ask the City Council to take a clear position against the reform is not arguing that the cuts can be downloaded from the Ministry of Education, local authorities and declared his unwillingness to meet at requests from families at the extension of the afternoon at school. Compared to the City Council Monday, 10, given the tight deadlines, we do not have an official position and that is why those of us who can, will assist the Council and then report back. But above all we want to avoid that our group is exploited by one side or the other. We were born to oppose reform but we will not take political positions and do not want the citizens, parents, label it as we lined up on one side, because that would be detrimental to our action and the ability to inform and raise awareness of the damage of the reform .
4. The Third Circle, at the Christmas party scheduled for the morning of Saturday, December 13, will use that opportunity to make information-based activities with parents and raising awareness. It is considering whether to create such a thing in the schools of The Circle, is possibly the same day (it's to verify the possibility of opening the school of orchids for that date) and during the Christmas holidays of the various complexes. This event should be an intermediate stage in December, after the phase of information and meetings of the joint initiative on hold at the city level that we assumed in January.
5. Yesterday there was also the meeting of the committees of Milan and showed the possibility of convening an event in Milan on Saturday, 11.29. If he is confirmed we will have to decide how to participate. It also promotes the idea to pass motions critics in the various colleges and teachers councils / institute.
6. E 'showed the need to involve parents and teachers from other schools Rozzano: Circle II, Monte Amiata Comprehensive School, Middle School Luini-Falcone, absent yesterday. You make contact in this regard. It also calls on all people who receive this message, and belonging to those schools to attend the next meeting and to promote similar initiatives in their schools.
7. Materials. It is necessary to produce a leaflet, but also clear about precisely what the negative consequences of approval of the reform. This flyer will then be distributed to various public occasions. It is also believed to establish a text, as I said before, in the form of an open letter, as to get to the press and the town administration.
8. It was finally decided to meet again for the next meeting Friday, November 21 at 21:00 at the headquarters of the Collective always Squad White Carnations on a 21 Rozzano.
I remind you that anyone can add text, comments and contributions on the blog:
account: comitatorozzano@gmail.com

Foot Disorders More Condition_symptoms

A school is only the beginning to eliminate

Raffaele Mantegazza, from The Stranger
The data on which I do not think enough is being reflected in these months, the debate about the school and its destiny is the extraordinary liaison between the Education Minister and Minister of Finance, a figure unique in the history of this country and his school. Even the most reactionary and the most reactionary among the Ministers of Education in fact, Democrats staged a conflict with the holders of economic ministries: "I'd love to but I can not ..." "your needs are real but there is no money" ... "I've cut the budget for my project for reform," ... were the jingles came from Viale Trastevere, in essence, stated the school has certainly needed the money and resources but the current economic situation does not allow it.
It was obviously an ideological discourse that covered anything but generous intentions towards the school, but in the words of Horkheimer and Adorno: " ideology in the strict sense where you apply power relations are not transparent themselves, mediated, and in this respect, also sweetened . The brutality of Berlusconi and his equipment, his "tell the truth frankly and without pretense, sharp and immediate (close relative of bossismo and not without disturbing parallels with Mussolini) at the school also brings clarity to a difficult to doubt : maneuvering the Gelmini sees the school as a reality to eliminate, at least for what it was - or could have been - so far, that is a possible source of critical thinking, reasoning, culture (this is the mandate that the Constitution entrusts ).
The reasoning is that of the Nazi doctor in front of Primo Levi: "This is something in front of me belongs to a genre that obviously should be deleted. In the particular case make sure that does not contain some element used. Tremonti Gelmini and begin the assault on the school as "instances of mediation" between state and individual, between individual and institution to which the school is an example. This should give pause to those who have seen so far in school, perhaps by generalizing some remarkable insights of Althusser, only the apparatus for the transmission of the dominant culture. And for this I am not convinced even a reading of the key measures gelminiani only in the transformation of the school in an instance of control and indoctrination (if you want to do a teacher's control agent to Foucault does not put one in every 30 students but each one 3!).
The school was also an instance of resistance to domination or at least of mediation (and therefore softening but also paradoxically open to criticism) of the demands that this posed to the subjects. A look at Leninism or even Gramscian school has had to recognize this dialectic: the discipline of the lower classes that the boy learned in school was also the possible discipline of the revolutionary. So I would not speak of "Reform Gelmini" because it is a reform institution in which or to whom it is believed, however, trying to indicate a direction and, speaking of slow dissolution, the more clear about the university, where you start from the walls (foundations who can buy the local private universities), then became almost painful to what (and who) they contain.
Of course, if all that the university has in opposition to this project what it was in the last ten years (the university of "if my candidate wins in Bologna then your Milan wins" in which the university faculty in the councils of ordinary talk, associate members and researchers are silent ; the university where the student component in the collegiate bodies and silent when he speaks is the same for both counts less than nothing, in which the universities are financed with public money and research grants which then does not know anything, nothing happens, there is little control over how they are carried out searches on their quality, the actual quality of teachers, for PhD students, fellows, the fellows, the university in which he spends half the time to make institutional arrangements, balances, bankruptcy, daring constructions Cencelli manual) then it is unlikely that the design-tremontian gelmini encounter difficulties of any kind.
The same seems true for the school, which has been less strong on the power play, but the difficulty in defining a real identity pedagogical ; the problem of character apparel approval imposed from designer labels to children, and the level of trade in schools led by multinational companies (producers of soft drinks and pastries to consume as the range of markers and colored pencils in a specific brand sets the parents) is real, even if (perhaps) the apron is not the solution ; the problem of difficulty of the school to propose / impose a model appropriate behavior of the socialization of knowledge and respect for the weak is real even if (maybe) 5 in the duct is not the solution, the problem of the fragmentation of knowledge and the dispersal of human figures in some primary schools (compounded by the bewildering proliferation unknowable to those objects which are the "Education") is real even if (of course) the teacher is not the only solution, the problem communication clear, public and readable between school and home is real even if (perhaps) the votes are not the (only) solution .
And finally, the problem is chronic and acute initial training of teachers especially in the upper-medium segment is real, even if the removal of Siss is not (certainly) the solution.
Another concern arises about the idea of \u200b\u200bteaching and teaching underlying these measures: it seems to argue that it is returning to teach mathematics to middle school enough to know the mathematics education, developmental psychology , education, everything this looks ready to go in the attic, so the tickling - terrible - the ideas of those who think that all in all "teaching is one thing to nothing, what it takes, just read a book and repeat it in class."
The government and the duo Tremonti-Gelmini want to make money with the school, but they also want to take this opportunity to settle the score once and for all uncomfortable with this institution. But the institution who are going to school as the liquid is still room for criticism, dissent, divergent thinking? It's not that at the time of sinking the death blow they hear him say "you kill a dead man?" If it's not - and we strongly believe that it is not - you will understand in the coming months, not only in the protests but sacrosanct in the management and publicity of a daily school there in recent years has seemed so far away from the sensitivity of the boys and the emancipatory potential of the culture that the advent of the liquidator in bankruptcy as a tandem of Ministers could not be accepted so warm, like the end of something that is already finished, and that is "obviously appropriate" settled once and for all.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Goiter Causes More Condition_symptoms

Michele Corsi
The government signed into law the decree 137. This was done at great speed, as is happening to all measures affecting schools and universities. It has rightly been condemned quest'arroganza, but we focused on the why: because coerce time, place confidence, prevent debates? For contempt of Rooms? But if you have an overwhelming majority! The answer seems simple: prolonged parliamentary debates would facilitate the movement of information between parents and teachers, and thus would increase their response capacity. They have miscalculated? I would say yes.
Movement, this movement does not cease to grow. I do not think that our leaders, and even the opposition, really make account di quel che sta accadendo nel Paese. È un movimento dal basso, molecolare, incontrollato che sta prendendo forma dall’inizio di settembre, anche se della sua esistenza i media si sono accorti solo ora. Le sue molecole sono i comitati misti genitori-insegnanti delle elementari e delle scuole d’infanzia. Solo nel milanese ne sorgono di nuovi quotidianamente. Il governo dice che sono manovrati dalla sinistra. Magari, qualcuno di noi potrebbe dire. E invece è proprio la scomparsa della sinistra e di una credibile e combattiva opposizione che ha fatto comprendere a tutti che per salvare la scuola si doveva far da sé, senza delegare.
Il governo spera che, grazie alla velocità d’azione, questa massa di gente tornerà a casa. Di Again, you are mistaken. Stages forced Berlusconi have increased taxes from the anger and indignation of the movement. The frustration is not being transformed in the sense of helplessness and depression, because in these weeks we have experienced our strength. Without help from anyone we have imposed on the media and the urgency of the entire public school and university.
is a force that derives from the determination, imagination, but also by a simple factor, that scared me forever, forever, any government in power: the power of numbers. We are many. And the more the movement is branching up from the big cities and small community, the more these people become numbers. Ed è l’unico fattore in grado di fermare chi ci governa. Berlusconi può ignorare il movimento, ma non i sondaggi che per la prima volta lo danno in calo, e proprio grazie alla scuola. E tra un po’ ci saranno le amministrative… La Gelmini ha dato per persi gli insegnanti, altrimenti non direbbe tali e tante castronerie, nessuno può permettersi però di dar per persi i genitori. Il popolo della scuola è una valanga di lavoratori del settore, ma anche, e ancor di più: papà, mamme, nonni, studenti…
Qualcuno in qualche stanza sta cercando di mettere in pratica le parole che per l’età Cossiga dice ora a ruota libera, dopo averle nascoste per anni. Non ero molto cresciuto all’epoca, but I remember when the then interior minister called for national unity because the "students criminals" devastated Italy. We always suspected, but now he says: it was tactical, and quite a few 'of the windows have broken his agents. I really think that not tempt the same game? Of fools of us willing to play his game frankly I see little. I see rather a lot of ingenuity. As students who imagined that Rome was indeed possible to manifest along with those of the extreme right.
We must now only count on the number. Expanded, because the movement has not reached its full potential, not all universities have moved, teachers and high school averages are at a standstill, many common small and medium-sized cities must be met, the informational meetings with parents we still need to organize in one place ... We are millions, because these are the numbers of school and ' public university, and we must ask ourselves in a position to "be" the millions.
Some imagine that now come home. And here perhaps is not a communication effort on the part of the movement. It is therefore necessary to reiterate some of the concepts. What was approved was a bill that is only a piece of all legislative adjustments that will be voted to pass the cuts, cuts that were passed on 6 August with the art. 64 of Law No 133. Still need to get out the laws regarding middle and high schools, universities and kindergartens, have yet to leave their implementing regulations, as do the measures set out include other passages 137 before being applied.
Besides the cuts will be diluted over three long years. The eight billion in cuts to the school are thoroughly settled in the budget law, which must be voted yet. We have before us many months of resistance in schools and universities. It will be tough? Yeah sure, but Let's see even from their point of view: a mobilization that will not cease and that until the time of enrollment, and then training of staff, challenging punto per punto, anno dopo anno…

Non è la prima volta che una legge è approvata e i suoi contenuti non applicati. Ne sa qualcosa Fioroni, che pure lui avrebbe voluto tanto tagliare… (sì, meno della Gelmini, ma la differenza tra loro, dunque, è di quantità?). Occorre però attrezzarsi a questa lotta: consolidando le strutture di movimento, mettendole in collegamento tra loro, praticando l’unità dal basso, inventando forme di lotta prolungate e sostenibili…
Sento molto parlare in queste ore di referendum. È un errore. Significa mettere in piedi una macchina che assorbe una quantità enorme di energie per esiti per di più incerti, e in un momento in cui The fight has just begun. This may be considered, certainly, but not before having traveled all the way any possibility of mobilization in schools, universities, roads . Meanwhile, the institutional opposition forces could make a very nice thing: to adapt their programs and their proposals. The PD is still the idea of \u200b\u200bcutting the public school, but 8 not 6 billion, for example? The proposed referendum, however, shows that at least one small step they did: the demand of withdrawal of the 137, because until a week ago were not on this line. Well, now we ask for another small step: the demand for repeal of the 133 articles relating to schools and universities. Yes, because even if you were a referendum on the 137, would be the 133, or cuts. And the debate would be: the cuts are, in elementary we implement them, and then who do outside?
The strike of 30 clearly showed the way forward. Of course, we do not strike a lot, but we know to be creative in finding new forms of struggle. It was a strike called by unions majority, but that the whole movement has seized. It was a strike with unprecedented amplitude events. Berlusconi had hoped, the day before approving the bill, compared to the discouraging participation. The success of this day they showed beyond doubt that continua a sbagliare valutazione: siamo solo all’inizio.
La contemporaneità della crisi economica e dei tagli a scuola e università costituisce una sorta di metafora. I governi di tutto il mondo, dopo averci per vent’anni catechizzato sulle virtù del mercato lasciato libero dall’intervento statale, i soldi (statali) per le banche li hanno trovati subito. E, nello stesso identico momento, tolgono soldi all’istruzione, in Italia, ma anche in Francia: i soldi, che poi sono i nostri soldi, scorrono e vanno da qua a là, dalle nostre aule ai loro conti. La manifestazione autorganizzata del milanese il 30 è stata aperta da uno striscione retto simbolicamente da tutti i soggetti sociali coinvolti nella lotta: teachers, university average. It read: "School and university will not pay for your crisis."

Boats For Sale Richmond Bc

If the school does not have time for mothers

of Alessandra Casarico and Paola Prophet , taken from lavoce.info
full time and an educational service and an important point still in the organization of Italian families, especially when the mother works. There is a close connection between this mode of time in nursery and primary schools and female employment. Women who leave the labor market because of the difficulties in reconciling work and family life are unlikely to return later. The employment rate of Italian mothers is already very low. We do not need policies that discourage women's work further.

The full-time in primary schools is a widespread reality for many Northern Italian families, especially in the cities, according to data from the Ministry of Education, in school year 2006/07 to 45.5 in the North-West percent of public primary school children attended the school for forty hours per week, with rates exceeding 90 percent in Milan, for example, in the South Island and only 6.8 percent.
The full-time is an educational service and an important milestone in the organization of the time of Italian families, especially when the mother works. The link between full-time female employment in the primary school and is very narrow. (1) In addition, the full-time primary school promotes the 'equality of opportunity

What is the future of full-time following the Gelmini decree (No. 137, 1 / 9 / 2008) just passed in the Senate?
In a climate of political turmoil, with the opposition declaring that the full-time at risk and the government concerned to ensure that it will be even increased, try to understand what the decree says.
Article 4 of the Gelmini decree provides for the first paragraph of the introduction of the single teacher in primary school to which it is assigned a class "with 24 hour working week." The article proceeds by clarifying that "the regulations are taken into account the needs, however, related to household demand, a broader articulation of school time." Two points seem important: (i) the teaching is set at 24 hours per week, (ii) leave open the possibility of an extension of the school identified as "articulation of school time." We mean by this the whole time, or educational activities conducted at school in addition to the mandatory? Who will be responsible? What are the resources to finance the time, at this point, add-on? Italian families deserve clarity on this.
The reading of the program plan prepared with respect to Article 64 "Measures of school organization" of the Decree Law No 25/6/2008 Ratified by Law No 112 6/8/2008 133 does not help to fully understand what will happen time in primary school. It adds more doubt on the timing of the kindergarten.
The program plan is proposed to revise school curricula and time dedicated of the 'essential'. One of the criteria and guiding principles is "the sustainability of the hourly load for students and the quantitative dimension of the curriculum, appropriately reducing the excessive expansion of the teachings and assets expanded hours, which translates into a commitment of distractions and unproductive ( ...) ". In other words, the plan emphasizes a certain insistence on the need to reorganize the school hours: 24 hour week and only one teacher (who also teaches English, after over 150 hours) are strongly suggested as the educational model and educational more effective. How then to interpret the latest verbal assurances del governo circa il mantenimento dello stesso orario attuale, che potrebbe addirittura essere esteso dove non c’è? Forse è una risposta politica alle preoccupazioni di tante famiglie - e di tanti elettori ? Nel contesto dell’autonomia scolastica, il piano programmatico ammette opzioni organizzative alternative di 27 o 30 ore o 40 se aggiungiamo le ore mensa, ma la loro fattibilità resta vincolata alle risorse a disposizione delle scuole stesse, su cui a priori non c’è nessuna garanzia.
Se le garanzie fornite a parole si tradurranno in risorse effettive, bene. Per il momento però è evidente lo scollamento tra ciò che è scritto nel decreto e come il governo lo presenta. Circola per esempio l’idea che i docenti che risulterebbero in esubero in seguito all’attribuzione delle classi a un unico maestro saranno riallocati nell’orario aggiuntivo. Ma questo meccanismo non compare nei documenti ufficiali.
Ricordiamoci comunque che non è solo una questione di orario. Conta anche il contenuto. Il tempo pieno deve rappresentare un servizio educativo di qualità e non un “dopo-scuola”.

Inoltre, è sorprendente notare che mentre sull’università e sulla scuola primaria il dibattito è acceso, i cambiamenti programmati per i tempi della scuola dell’infanzia (“l’orario obbligatorio delle attività educative (…) si svolge anche solamente nella band Morning ") are, for now, relegated to the margins of the debate. If school hours are connected with the employment of women, those relating to kindergarten may be especially important. The difficulty of reconciling women between work and family life in the early years of a child's life may contribute to exit from the labor market (discouraged workers) is typically not reversible. Later he is in condition to re-enter the labor market, the more difficult.
In Italy we have some need for policies that discourage women's employment of mothers. As the graph for the cohort aged between 25 and 49 years, the rate of Italian mothers' employment is lower than the rate of female employment in the whole cohort. The gap is also wider as the number of children. The phenomenon also occurs in other European countries, but an all-Italian peculiarity is the fact that the employment rate of mothers are not together at the female of the entire cohort, also in Italy at the lowest among European countries, all ' increasing age of the child. This suggests that it is much more difficult for Italian mothers returning to work after maternity leave. Why? The structure of the labor market, the culture of the society and enterprises play an important role. But also the institutions have their responsibilities, the lack of services for infants in the first place: in Italy spending on childcare for those aged between 0 and 3 years is only 0.1 percent of GDP, compared to 0 , 5 per cent in France and 0.8 percent in Sweden, with coverage rates of 6.3 percent of children, compared to 28 percent in France and 39.5 percent in Sweden. The
for all full-time public school kindergarten and primary, in this context, one of the few institutional measures to assist working mothers. Should be strengthened, particularly in the South, rather than reduced, if we do not want to contribute to the reduction of employment rates for women, particularly mothers, already so low.

(1) See in this regard, our article in Il Sole 24 Ore of 29/10/2008.

This text in pdf .

Wooden Rabbit Cage Blueprints

Next Committee Meeting Wednesday November 5 at 21:00

It reminds everyone that the next Committee meeting was set for the day on November 5 at 21:00 at the headquarters of always Collective The White Rose , at the Maison des Associations Carnations via 21, Rozzano.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sprinkling Adderall Xr

Report of yesterday's

Last night, October 29, 2008, we held the meeting of the Committee for the Defence of the public school in Rozzano.
These decisions taken:
1. It was decided to go forward in mobilizing aims firstly to inform parents about what the consequences of the reform Gelmini. For this reason the III Club has already organized an informational meeting for Tuesday, November 4 at 21.00 at the primary school in Via Foscolo in which the executive will intervene Pizzuti. There are of course all invited.
Another meeting is scheduled at the fifth printing of complex presumably for November 11 but has yet to define the date.
E 'planned meeting then turned to the parents of the first and second club to be held at the complex way of Orchids to be agreed with the Director Cameron date to be determined (could be November 21) where it could intervene Daniele Checchi, dean of Political Science and author of the White paper on the school as well as a school administrator. Finally
Wednesday, November 5 at the school in Via Muzio in Milan at 17.30 a meeting of schools in Milan is expected to decide in which other forms of mobilization. Some of us will go and report back then.
2. It was also decided to carry out an initiative the city, such as a day of celebration at a school, the school of thought via Cloves (Circle II) or via one of Orchids (The Circle), as are the schools more central. In this case you could do on a Saturday to organize games and snacks for children and distribute informational materials.
If this initiative succeeds in realizing fast enough could be for example 22 or Saturday, Nov. 29 Saturday, otherwise we have to move in January, as a bridge between December and Christmas is more complicated.
3. It is also thought to prepare information material, such as leaflets, written in other languages \u200b\u200bto be distributed on several occasions. The first that came to mind are: leafleting the Saturday morning market in Piazza Leaf (date to be agreed), distribution of leaflets in Ponte Sesto (date to be agreed) and leafleting at the City Council of 24/11 in which is also on the agenda a motion will be discussed how the City plans to cope with hours left uncovered as a result of the reform.
4. Someone last night proposed to open a "blog" as a space for disseminating information via the Internet.
why I started a blog you find here:

Everyone can write on this site by entering:
http://www.blogger . com
and typing your account name and password already reported on the mailing list
Then click on "new post"

mail address
can also become the official mail of the committee and is accessible by Google.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Butterfly Sayings Weddings

Appello Società Italiana di Medicina delle Migrazioni

get from malefimmine@gmail.com

access to health care for illegal aliens

An appeal by the Italian Society of Medical Migration: withdraw the amendment amends Article. 35, TU!

An act unnecessary and harmful even dangerous.

In the debate in the Senate of the "Security Package" (Act 733), the Joint Commission on Justice and Constitutional Affairs, was filed by four senators and a senator of the League North an amendment that radically undermines one of the basic principles of health policy in respect of foreign nationals in our country and the guarantee of access to services for the illegal and irregular component.

There are two changes to paragraph 4 and paragraph 6, the repeal of paragraph 5 of Article 35 of Legislative Decree 286 of 1998 (Consolidated Act on immigration).

Let's start with paragraph 5, the cancellation of which is extremely serious: in fact it now provides "access to health facilities (both hospital and local) by the alien does not comply with the rules on residence can not cause any type of report authority, except in cases where it is compulsory to report on equal footing with Italian citizens. "
This provision is included in the Italian legislation since 1995, through art. 13, brought by a vast area of \u200b\u200bcivil society, of Decree-Law No 489/95, repeated several times, wanted to and approved by the center-right with the votes of the League. The "logic" of the rule is not just to "help / treat illegal immigrants" (for more ethically correct way) but in particular, protecting the community as required by Article 32 of the Constitution, and the risk reporting and / or complaint contestuale alla prestazione sanitaria, creerebbe una barriera insormontabile per l’accesso e spingerebbe ad una “clandestinità sanitaria” pericolosa per l’individuo ma anche per la popolazione laddove possano esserci malattie trasmissibili. Ormai esiste una significativa documentazione sul tema, compresa la posizione della Federazione degli ordini dei medici italiani, di alcune Società scientifiche e dei Ministri della sanità europei ... che sottolineano l’indispensabilità di questa impostazione per garantire concretamente la salute per tutti (è assolutamente intuitivo come le malattie non facciano distinzione di etnia, status giuridico o colore della pelle). L’effetto della cancellazione di questo comma vanificherebbe il lavoro fatto negli ultimi 13 anni che ha prodotto importanti successi nell’ambito sanitario tra gli immigrati testimoniato ad esempio dalla riduzione dei tassi di Aids, dalla stabilizzazione di quelli relativi alla Tubercolosi, dalla riduzione degli esiti sfavorevoli negli indicatori materno infantili (basso peso alla nascita, mortalità perinatale e neonatale ...). E tutto questo con evidente effetto sul contenimento dei costi in quanto l’utilizzo tempestivo e appropriato dei servizi (quando non sia impedito da problemi di accessibilità) si dimostra non solo più efficace, ma anche più “efficiente” in termini di economia sanitaria.
La modifica al comma 4 (vedi allegato) introduce invece un rischio di discrezionalità che amplificherebbe la difficoltà di accesso facendo della “barriera economica” e dell’eventuale segnalazione (in netta contrapposizione al mandato costituzionale di “cure gratuite agli indigenti”), un possibile strumento di esclusione, forse compromettendo la stessa erogazione delle prestazioni.

Il comma 6 (vedi allegato), sembra invece soltanto un aggiustamento rispetto al mutato quadro delle competenze sanitarie a seguito del processo di devoluzione.

Riteniamo pertanto inutile e dannoso il provvedimento perchè:

spingerà all’incistamento sociale, rendendo invisibile una popolazione che sfuggirà ad ogni forma di tutela sanitaria e di contatto sociale legittimo;

potrà produrre percorsi sanitari ed organizzazioni sanitarie parallele al di fuori dei sistemi di controllo e di verifica della sanità pubblica (rischio di aborti clandestini, gravidanze non tutelate, minori non assistiti, ...);

creerà condizioni di salute particolarmente gravi poiché gli stranieri non accederanno ai servizi se non in situazioni di urgenza indifferibile;

avrà ripercussione sulla salute collettiva con il rischio di diffusione di eventuali focolai di malattie trasmissibili a causa dei ritardi negli interventi e la probabile irreperibilità dei destinatari di interventi di prevenzione;

produrrà un significativo aumento dei costi in quanto comunque le prestazioni di pronto soccorso dovranno essere garantite e le condizioni di arrivo saranno significativamente più gravi e necessiteranno di interventi più complessi e prolungati;

spingerà molti operatori ad una “obiezione di coscienza” per il primato di scelte etiche e deontologiche.

Riteniamo estremamente pericoloso il provvedimento poichè soprattutto in un momento di trasformazione sociale e di sofferenza economica, questo atto va ad intaccare il cosiddetto “capitale sociale” della società (contrasto tra italiani e stranieri, diritti negati e nascosti, radicale differenza nella vision dell’approccio professionale) che una significativa letteratura scientifica defining condition for a shift in social conflict (whose first signs are already experiencing in recent times).

As doctors and health workers rather than why we call the logic of party prevails in the light of scientific and technical evidence of established health policies, a practical and intelligent approach to public health as has been done in 1995.

The Presidential Council of the Italian Society of Medicine of Migration

SEE THE SITE http://www.simmweb.it/

>> Download the proposed amendment to the League
accessibility privacy contact usability

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A2000 Portable Aviall

Occupato Rettorato Università di Milano

Even Milan rises against the arrogance of this Government that through his brilliant minister of turn ( Gelmini) tries to impose reforms, but are passed off as something else.
E 'an attack on the entire public education system, from elementary to university. No action for the protection of temporary workers and students, no guarantee the right to education and the right to work is not precario.Questo the press of students yesterday they a spontaneous march and occupied the rector.
This morning hundreds of students from the University of Milan group have occupied the rector of the University of Milan, Via Festa del Forgiveness, by giving the Chancellor Decleva Enrico, chairman of the Crui, a six-point letter for submission to the Senate tomorrow academic.
Tomorrow, at 14.00 on a Day of Pardon the collective university will all be there before, to besiege the Senate and demand that decisions are taken to prevent the strong and precise design Mariastella Gelminator, destroyer of free education in our country.
would like to pay for the crisis to students, graduate students, researchers, teachers, professors, but we do not we! The crisis in the capital if they paid them, respond to the crisis of public universities with the University of the municipality and the minister will stay with the bag full of money still in hand.
Ours is not a battle to share the crumbs that the baronial caste tries to manage, is a battle to stop now or never, the most comprehensive training plan devastation in Italy, which came to pass in the university as a decree voted in August and not as a comprehensive reform. Today we have locked the offices
teaching for over an hour, the Chancellor Henry Decleva refused even to read our letter and was not able to take a clear position and clear against the DL Gelmini, but this summer's contest.
Then we made a procession inside the university, through corridors, cafeteria and kiosks to talk to all students raising the demonstrations this week and handing out leaflets to celebrate the first expulsion of Gelminator from Milan, as today was to attend a conference at the Pirelli Tower, but fled because of the protests.
This is only the first stage of a week full of appointments to the parade on Friday 17th October at 30.09 in Piazza Cairoli.
Collective of Political Science, a collective of cultural mediation, students of Humanities, Law and Anthropology of the University of Milan, Collective AutArt Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, students of Educational Science, Physics and Social Services Bicocca, students of Architecture of
October 13, 2008

Posted on Mar 14 / 10/2008 - 12:51

Yesterday morning hundreds of students occupied the offices of De Cleva rector of the University of Milan, following his refusal to sign the open letter proposed by hundreds of professors from various faculties' and sign a letter to the six-point proposal by the collective.
The initiative has turned into a procession inside the faculty that has passed through the corridors and classrooms of the State launching the siege of the Academic Senate of the Collective AutArt oggi.Gli students of the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, the collective of Political Science, the collective cultural mediation, the students of the State of Bicocca University and gave life to this event highlighting the theme of self and initiatives that cross the world in the next settmane University.
Yesterday, the Minister would attend a meeting in the region, which, however, decided not to report for fear of protests, frightened by the many protests in recent weeks that have led thousands of people to the streets against her and his decree that dismantles definitely public school.

today, Tuesday, 'Oct. 14 14:00 SIEGE to the Academic Senate to demand that they take the tough decisions and precise to prevent the decree-law of Mariastella Gelmini-ter.

source: Indymedia Lombardia
http://lombardia.indymedia.org/?q=node/9687 # comment-7891

Excessive Thirst More Condition_symptoms

Solidarietà a Pietro Milazzo


Palermo October 14, 2008

Solidarity Peter Milazzo. Quaestor measure

remove a notice of hearing on September 26 the notice of Police of Palermo has a social activist and member of the CGIL, Pietro Milazzo, "to change their behavior, to adapt itself to the rule of honest and industrious life and observe the laws" .

We believe that intimidate anyone involved in the problems of this city with self-sacrifice does not guarantee public order, but rather provoke reactions of outrage. And if even those who have administrative and political responsibility in the governance of public town follow the advice of Quaestor follow the rules then we would not be in these conditions and lack of services such as absolute invivibilità had never recorded before.

The Democratic Left in Palermo, expressing firm solidarity with the union Pietro Milazzo participating town meeting to be held Wednesday, October 15th plenary council of the City of Palermo, while calls to the Mayor of Palermo to lift ' order and anti camp as his duty to solve the housing crisis and the Quaestor to withdraw the measure dealt to Peter Milazzo. The provincial coordinator

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Port Royale 2 Cd Patch

La storia di una carta...di soggiorno

A: riots < sommosse@inventati.org >

Fatma vive da quattro anni a Capranica, come quattro sono i figli, tra i seie i 18 anni. Lei ne ha più di trenta ed è una curda, della Turchia. E'riuscita ad avere l'unica "casa popolare", messa in palio negli ultimi anni,grazie alla vincente prole, al reddito dimostrato, al fatto che uno di loroche compie lunedì 13 anni, è affetto da un raro virus per cui è statooperato infinite volte e altrettante ne dovrà affrontare e ha ottenuto ilcertificato d'invalidità. Ha anche un marito, Bawer, rifugiato politico cheda sempre è mediatore culturale e operatore sanitario in strutture pubblichedi assistenza a Roma, dove sta sempre. Lei lavora come "donna dellepulizie", is an arrow, tall, beautiful, full of dignity and passion, now speaks Italian well almost. So he told me just yesterday lastoria of his residence permit. He discovered that he could request it epagare, once again, on a permanent basis but ... alt: how big is your home? Really can accommodate 6 people? Well: it has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen and living room, not enough vamisurata. Fatma has been Technical Bureau of the town of Capranica giàcarica of documentation necessary but not sufficient, he must go to Viterbo: measure, measure. The measure has made, lost in these waltzes, tregiornate work, rushing to take their children to school and pay lerichieste everyday stationery, cartoleria, assicurazioni scolastiche ,per l'istruzione gratuita e obbligatoria di elementari e medie inferiori etra libri e varie sono stati 700 euro, solo a settembre. Attende inoltredall'Ambasciata di Turchia, l'attestazione che è sposata.Oggi apprendo che dopo il permesso di soggiorno a punti, arriva la tassasull´immigrato. Ogni straniero dovrà infatti versare 200 euro per chiedereil rilascio e il rinnovo del permesso o avviare la pratica di cittadinanza eche la tassa va ad aggiungersi ai 70 euro di costi fissi già sborsati dailavoratori extracomunitari. Il nuovo balzello è contenuto in due emendamentileghisti al disegno di legge sulla sicurezza e servirà a finanziare un"fondo per la prevenzione dei flussi migratori" istituito presso laFarnesina.Non I have no words, but those that I wrote.

Doriana Goracci

Post Viral Fatigue More Condition_symptoms

Ordine di servizio " tutti a sentire la Germini "

http://milano.repubblica.it/dettaglio/Il-Pirellone-ai addicts: -tutti-a-sentire-la-Gelmini/1524688

The Pirellone to employees:
all feel the Gelmini A complaint Muhlbauer (PRC): a service order of Pirellone perinvitare employees to listen to the minister at the conference "The passion of their dye colors everything it touches" Andrea Montanari Mariastella Gelmini
The Pirellone writes invitarlilunedì morning to 150 employees to leave the office and watch the story of ministrodell ¹ construction, Mariastella Gelmini, the conference "The passion tinged deipropri colors everything it touches, "organized by ¹ Councillor regionaleciellino John Rossoni. In a letter to dipendentidell ¹ Department, the Director-General Maria Carbone," calls on all dipartecipare "to ¹ event, and 'states', for the avoidance of doubt," that presenzaè be understood, to all intents and purposes, such as work activities. "Both dasegnalare« l ¹ utility to be on site from 9am, for obvious ragioniorganizzative.
The complaint and the Regional Council of the PRC Communist LucianoMuhlbauer, which asked the governor Roberto Formigoni and all ¹ assessoreRossoni of ¹ immediately revoke the order of service. "It is incredible that laRegione ask employees to leave the office to act as a claque aun minister during business hours ¹ \u0026lt;explains Muhlbauer \u0026lt;Hard to imagine, however, so that workers enlisted dare contestareMariastella Gelmini. Mica are there by choice, participate in the ¹ haordinato because the principal. However, those who have decided to trasformarea taxpayer expense of workers and civil servants in a claquee thus interrupting a public service, are in complete lawlessness. Cosec evoke other times and places. "
The region does not deny, but points out in a note theDirectorate that participation in the conference - which will also take ilministro of Cultural Heritage, Sandro Bondi - is "A ¹ opportunities, freedom, the fastest-growing professional, but conscription. A call for a time warp, not a service order. Perhaps the director is Muhlbauer Beneche the bar remains the official to perform his duties and that's it, comepura workforce? We like having the ability rather than dicoinvolgersi as the protagonist of his own work. " The order of

Pirellone, however, does not even like to base unions, who are calling for the mobilization of networks and movements and we will announce chelunedì too. To the cry: "Gelmini a Milano, obbligatorioapplaudirla? No, but let us accept the invitation to participate than to shout basta.Ritiri indecent his plan of devastation public school or sidimetta. "(08 October 2008)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Icbc Motorcycle Auction

With open arms I ask

shrugged. You decide whether to yield or to hug everyone. The widen so much that they are parallel to the ground and the horizon, perpendicular to the stars and the sun. What is rest for the birds and shadow cones for insects. Widen the while I smile, because I just have nothing else to do. There are those who wins, who loses and who simply left speechless. In my arms stretched out is this: the triumph of dignity, loss of fair and equitable, the silence of surrender. The enlargement because la mia ombra sia memoria di chi così è stato crocifisso, perché è il segnale di abbandono totale. A chi o a che cosa ancora non mi è chiaro. Non ho ancora ben presente se mi abbandono a qualcosa o da qualcosa, se le mie braccia assomiglino più a rami secchi o ali di uccello. Resto così in attesa di scoprirlo. E, se volete, in silenzio, venite a farmi compagnia.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Blunt Power Wholesale

Le novità su MicroMega.net

October 2, 2008 -

MicroMega interview Scarpinato
View video presentation of "The Return of the prince" in Rome (September 23, 2008), Saverio Lodato, Roberto Scarpinato, Paolo Flores d'Arcais, Andrea purgatory, Paul Rich and Marco Travaglio.

Vicenza, The blow to democracy State Council rejects referendum on U.S. military base. But the city does not give up: Sunday's vote will, self-managed.

's comments: Gino Strada Who is imposing war betrays the Constitution

ACHILLE CHANGED Violent oppression of deaf and was a far

Gianfranco Bettin An act profoundly undemocratic

LISA CLARK State Council, executive arm

Marco Revelli A coup administrative

VIDEO Thousands march in after the ruling

Veltroni: Berlusconi Putin
Words, words, words ... Paolo Flores d'Arcais Asor Worst of fascism / Carnivals: W Violante mate! / Giulietti: Democracy privatized / Don Farinella: Tactics unnecessary / Cornaglia: The early bird catches the caimans

Press freedom
Two raids in eight days. Criminal? No, journalist "It 's something that is unprecedented in the history of journalism." Talk Gianluca Di Feo, editor of L'Express, author of the two investigations Emiliano Fittipaldi on the affairs of the Camorra, which led to the search of the newspaper.

The end of democracy of opinion
Don Antonio SciortinoIl director of Christian Family reiterates concerns about the risk of slipping toward oligarchic and authoritarian forms of government.

The right to dissent in the Church
roots communities to respond ' intervention of Don Antonio Sciortino MicroMega on: "The progressive Catholicism can not cry hard words against the authoritarianism of the policy but is silent against' authoritarianism of the church structure and the totalitarian rule of the sacred. "

MicroMega Cara - Letters to the Editor
The lies of the minister Gelmini
errors and hypocrisy on prostitution

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What Is Osteoporosis More Condition_symptoms


Speech by Piero Calamandrei the Third Congress of the Association in Defence of the national school (Adsn) in Rome on 11 February 1950.

Let us assume, so theoretically, there is a ruling party, a ruling party, which, however, formally wants to respect the constitution, not want to violate the substance. It does not make the march on Rome and the trasfornare classroom space for the paddles, but wants to establish, without opinion, a masked dittatura.Allora, what to do to gain control of the schools and to transform state schools in Party schools? He realizes that the schools have been the defect of being impartial. There is some resistance, in those schools is always there, even under fascism has been there. Then, the dominant party follows another path (it's all a theoretical hypothesis, mind you). He begins to neglect the public schools, to discredit, to impoverish. Let it anemizzino and begins to favor private schools. Not all private schools. The schools of his party, that party. And then all these treatments are beginning to go to private schools. Cure of money and privileges. He even begins to advise the boys to go to these schools, because in the end are better, it is said, of those in the state. And maybe give themselves awards, as now I will tell you, or proposes to give awards to citizens who are willing to send their children to public schools rather than private schools. A "those" private schools. The exams are easier, unless you study and you do best. So the private school becomes a privileged school. The ruling party, unable to openly state schools to transform schools into party schools to send in the dogs was to give the head of its private schools. Beware, my friends, this conference is the point that this should discutere.Attenzione, this is the recipe. We must keep an eye on the cooks of this low kitchen. The operation is done in three ways, as I have already said, ruining the schools of the state. Let go to hell. Depleting their budgets. Ignore their needs. Mitigate the supervision and control over private schools. Do not check its reliability. Let the teachers teach you that do not have the minimum qualifications to teach. Let the examinations are jokes. Giving public money to private schools.

This is the point. Giving public money to private schools.

(Published in the magazine "Democratic School", March 20, 1950).

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Defibrillation More Condition_symptoms

Ti chiedo se esiste una ragione per stare così. Ti chiedo perché certi giorni uno si alza e non ha voglia di parlare, di guardare, nemmeno di respirare. Ti chiedo perché la libertà di decidere con chi trascorrere il tuo tempo, non vale tutti i giorni, tutte le ore. Ti chiedo because they always come to the point of exceeding the limit, and then regret it. You wonder why when you are sad the world is not. Why all smile and hop and live in peace with the world that world just when you are burnt. I ask her where you're always happy and sunny 364 days a year and it happens that day that NO does not accuse the people and break it to you. Do you wonder why the good by those who expected more good and evildoers would not expect anything more. Do you ever wonder how belief in oneself is the hardest thing in the world. Do you wonder why sometimes you laugh and play down its not fails. You wonder why some people live well without to take over the term conscience and dignity. Do you wonder why the sadness lasts more than the joy of summer and winter. I ask why, if you want to do things properly and do not ask for anything more if you not only what it is, someone is sure to make things more complicated. I ask because sometimes you stay at home and sleep or spend the rest of the day to read because they often throw in the lives of others helps to forget for a little the own. You wonder why we always talk before and after and never during. Because the words never and always are more important than good and evil. You wonder why there is never the moon when you have time to see the sky e perché l’alba è sempre troppo presto. Ti chiedo perché se aspetti una telefonata il telefono non suona mai e se vuoi cambiare le cose il cambiamento arriva e tocca gli altri. Ti chiedo come mai qualche volta la felicità degli altri ferisce e fa sentire inadeguati. Ti chiedo perché se gli amici te li scegli non riesci a liberarti di certi parassiti che amici non lo sono mai stati. Ti chiedo perché devo giustificare e comprendere se non sono giustificata e compresa. Ti chiedo perché la solitudine, ai più, è sinonimo di tristezza e non di conoscenza. Ti chiedo se esiste un modo per capire qual è la cosa giusta da dire e da fare, la strada da prendere e il desiderio che vale la pena realizzare. Ti chiedo perché se hai un sogno and you know what you do in life you think that perhaps would not have made it easier. I ask because if you repeat that in all things, the secret of life is not to have expectations, then deep down, something you would expect anyway. You wonder how much courage it takes to continue always to stay true to yourself even if it is no longer for others. You wonder if it takes more courage to leave or continue, if evil is always persevere. You wonder if others have estimated that you also derive from your flaws because otherwise it is a dirty lie. Do you wonder why you pay a price is always too much to stay authentic. I ask because they know they lost some victories and you darken some compliments. I ask why is not everything at once and how long negative, the positive start. I ask you if you speak without saying anything is still useful or whether, instead, it would be wonderful to look in silence. Do you wonder where it goes when you can not grab it and why, sometimes, know happiness only by the noise that is going away on ...

Thrush Treatment More Condition_symptoms

Employees evil

Public Administration does not work. And it is very important to do something that is a Minister of the right or left. The public administration does not work because we Italians are accustomed to laugh at our own mediocrity, to bask in our limbo and put off until tomorrow what should instead be swept away in a violent and sudden. The public administration is not working because it has the semblance of a caste which is almost impossible to be driven and based, in most cases, a network of trade and favors, including a give and no one wants to have to give up. The public administration does not work because young people do not trust because a salaried better ultraquarantenne unstimulated or inventive that the nearly thirty, with the desire to do. The public administration does not work because it takes people in competitions and is embarrassing to say the least cover their positions and roles which are not suitable. The public administration does not work because it is scary, because sa di posto sicuro e bambagia in cui, lentamente e con il minimo sforzo, strisciare verso la pensione. La Pubblica Amministrazione non funziona perché chi dovrebbe farla funzionare è troppo impegnato a garantire la sua poltrona o quella di chiunque possa fare il suo gioco; perché si bea di un potere diventato esclusivo e, per alcuni versi, oscuro. La Pubblica Amministrazione non funziona perché la maggior parte delle persone assunte perdono(ammesso che l’abbiano mai avuto) decoro e dignità. La Pubblica Amministrazione non funziona perché lavorano in pochi e tutti gli altri rubano soldi statali(quindi, poveri ingenui, anche soldi propri) passando le ore di lavoro a gingillarsi tra questa o quella questione personale. La Pubblica Amministrazione does not work because no never no never yes and yes, perhaps because they live and see. The public administration does not work because there are too few and too many cowards courageous, because you prefer to always take the side of the powerful and never exposed. The public administration does not work because no complaint no. For now ... ... ...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

82208740ab Bike Carrier

Tolto alla madre perchè comunista!!!!!!!!!

Talk the sixteen that after the separation of the civil courts have given to the father, "I did the drug test, but for him it was false and went on to say that do drugs"
After removing the mother why the Communist "Daddy wants to make war mom" The
Secretary Prc Ferrero: "serious constitutional violation. Napolitano to intervene" Judge: "No politics. The only reference to the venues frequented by young"

CATANIA - "My father was inspired by my young communist card to support my mother is unable to care for me, because the communists are people who take their children on a bad road. " Breaks the silence and defended her mother, sixteen year old that the courts have given to Catania al padre con un provvedimento che nelle motivazioni cita l'iscrizione del minore al circolo Tienanmen dei Giovani comunisti.

Sulla vicenda fanno sentire la loro voce anche l'ex presidente della Camera Fausto Bertinotti e il leader del Pdci Oliviero Diliberto. Il segretario di Rifondazione, Paolo Ferrero chiede l'intervento del capo dello Stato. Ma il giudice che ha firmato l'ordinanza smentisce tutto: "Nessun riferimento diretto o indiretto alla militanza politica del ragazzo".
Il ragazzo, che stamattina ha tagliato i lunghi capelli, ha rivelato alcuni particolari della sua storia. "Dovrei stare con mio padre, ma dopo un'aggressione che ho subito, ho deciso di andare da mia madre", afferma, and the parent says, "He does nothing but associate the Communists, said in a disparaging tone, always with drugs, s Pinelli, alcohol, in short a life crush, unruly, not to follow, and yet I am comfortable with my group.

Our ideas since I grew up have changed: I attend a high school that left-wing views but he hates the communists. "
When asked if he had ever used drugs, the sixteen year old reveals: "As a result of these continuing allegations my mother took me to a medical center where they were subjected to drug testing. I did the test to prove that I was not drugs. The result in front, my father went on to say that I do drugs and that the test had been falsified. This unfortunately is a fixed point on which he believes to be allowed to rest in his own way to win this war. "

The sixteen per hour is very busy," Now I'm studying - he says - because I have to retrieve the debits. So far I've been quite amused by the sea in the chinks of time I spent outside of this ugly story. "
The news, of course, aroused consternation and concern among members of the Communist left." I ask the President of the Republic to take immediate action, "said Paolo Ferrero. According to the National Secretary of the PRC, the one that occurred in Catania is a "Serious constitutional violation." According to Ferrero, what has been done by social services of the Sicilian town "is very serious and is evidence of prejudice are incompatible with the performance of a public service." And again: "That the first Civil Chamber of the Court of Catania grounds a sentence with the same arguments is not only serious, but unacceptable in a state of law." "I decided to send a telegram of solidarity and closeness to the mother of the boy," said former House Speaker Fausto Bertinotti. "The communists just because they are an extremist organization out of Parliament? We want to outlaw?" Adds the secretary of the PDCI, Oliviero Diliberto. "Being part of a communist party - He says - why is it unseemly for a guy to blame both the mother and not let him have custody of the child? ".
Diliberto asked the Minister of Youth and Giorgia Meloni Maurizio Sacconi social policies that" if you can believe be possible for a state social service unions on political ideas of a young and make them the subject of evaluation. "
He is trying to tone down the controversy lawyer Mario Giarrusso, office of the mother:" We do not understand the reasons prompted the court to make this decision - the lawyer says - The boy did not take drugs, did not commit crimes. The thing that struck us is that is mentioned as part of a group extremist. "In our opinion - he concludes - a case has been mounted on anything." "In the measure there is no direct reference to the indirect political militancy of the boy or venues due to political movements," replied Massimo Esher, the court the First Civil Chamber of the Court of Catania, who has signed the order for custody to the father of sixteen. The court added that "the only reference in the decision about attending the boy on venues where youth is widespread use Alcohol and psychotropic drugs. But these do not fall apart.
Esher track also says not to remember the card and that this communist anyway "not was taken into account. E 'can - says the judge - that his father has produced a photocopy of a passport belonging to a party but for us this is completely irrelevant. "(August 20, 2008)